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Help Positive Thinking With Morbid Obesity Support

Most of the patients suffering from morbid obesity require constant support to overcome their depression and anxiety. After all, the psychological and psychosocial effects of obesity on an individual are deeply rooted and profound. Hence it is important for them to belong to a morbid obesity support group, which is a part of a core network of support. The people of this group are always available to the patients in times of need.


The psychological effect of obesity is mainly a lowering of one’s self-esteem, and this can easily lead to depression or anxiety. Hence if the patient chooses to eat healthy food, or start exercising, a support group may prevent and improve these psychological feelings in social situations. The morbid obesity support group generally consists of people who are also dealing with obesity. In this way each one can present his own personal perspective on obesity and feel and understand each other’s problems better.

Advocacy Groups

Besides morbid obesity support groups there are obesity advocacy groups which help obese people in every way they can. They inform the public and the media about the effects of obesity and try and influence people who are obese and overweight to change their lifestyle and give concrete ideas about diet and exercise.

Support Groups

There are some select morbid obesity support groups in the US, who are doing a lot of good work for the public. The group called America On the Move helps individuals and communities to improve health and quality of life, concentrating on morbid obesity diet, weight loss and active living habits in society. The American Diabetes Association aims mainly at preventing and curing diabetes. It shows people who are already affected by diabetes how to improve their lives.

There is a lot of concentration and public consciousness on morbid obesity support groups for kids. The aim of the group called KidShape is to combat childhood obesity in which they emphasize healthy eating habits, positive health behavior changes and physical activity. Overeaters Anonymous deals with both children and adults who come together to share their experience in overcoming compulsive overeating.


Surgery is definitely one of the cures for morbid obesity and there are again select morbid obesity support groups for those considering obesity surgical options. The Coastal Center for Obesity mainly organizes support group meetings, where patients share their surgical experiences with one another, which is helpful to some who are still debating the option. The Bariatric Surgery Program Support Group at the Rush University Medical Center conducts similar meetings for future patients.


The internet has now become an ideal place for a group of people to join together and build a support base. A well-known morbid obesity support webring is The Faces of Weight Loss Surgery and here obese people can ask for help from others and also meet people who have achieved success in their treatment. Use support groups to help yourself and help others, it will definitely help you to bring back your self-esteem.

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