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Are We A Bunch Overweight Whining Hypocrites

Copyright (c) 2013 Jim Ford

Part of what makes America so great is the freedoms offered to its citizens, and as of late, many of its non-citizens. The problem with America lies in its hypocritical society that we have allowed to develop, because of its freedoms.

Our society will cry out against injustice and demand action to be taken, only to later cry out against the government for taking action. We take pride in our freedom and demand even more while at the same time dishonor those who fight to protect those very freedoms.

We demand that people take responsibility for their own actions and stop passing the blame, and then look for anyone else to blame but ourselves when something goes wrong.

Our society will strike out against drinking and smoking because these have a dire effect on our health, the health of those around us, and our high medical and insurance costs, while at the same time create groups to encourage and embrace obesity as being a beautiful thing.

We demand tolerance for all religions and political views, yet must remove any symbols of Christianity from our schools, offices, businesses, and government buildings because tolerance cannot be reciprocated. Our legal system tells our children it is wrong to pray in school, and then we watch the president place his hand on a bible for inauguration.

Perhaps the terrorist groups and countries that have an agenda against the United States should just sit back and watch us destroy ourselves and have a good laugh. Someone could make an excellent drama filled television show about us for certain.

We elect self-centered and self-promoting politicians into office and then cannot figure out why our country is failing. Both democrats and republicans alike say they are against more taxes and federal debt yet they are the ones who created the same.

We will yell about gun violence and demand that something is done because the deaths of 11,000 people in a single year can be related to guns, yet sit back on our fat butts doing little or nothing about the estimated 400,000 that die because of obesity!

Isn't it time to take a look around you and step up to the personal responsibility plate? It is time to turn the minority of this nation that is in good health into the majority. More than 60% of the U.S. population is considered to be obese or overweight and I for one am tired of it.

Am I whining and complaining about the state of our country? You are darn right I am and thank God, yes I said God in relation to the United States, that I live in a country where I am allowed to voice my opinion. Someone has to start speaking up and trying to make changes.

There is little I can do directly about gun related violence, political agendas, allowing our children to pray in school if they choose, or our legal system, but I can help fight high medical costs and obesity by starting with myself and I encourage you to do the same.
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