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Understanding All The Health Risks Of Obesity

"Problems regarding obesity not only is rampant in the US, it is happening all over the world. In fact, obesity is the second leading cause of deaths that are preventable in the US alone. So what are the health risks of obesity and how can we protect ourselves from it?

Health Risks of Obesity

* DIABETES - For women who are 15% over that their ideal weight are more prone to develop type II diabetes. In fact, more than half of these women can have it. The excess weight in the body can contribute to the development of diabetes because it makes the body immune to the effects of insulin.

* STROKE - Narrowing of the arteries is one of the many complications that obesity brings to a person. The narrowing of the artery due to the deposition of fats may lead to blood clots which heighten the chance of developing a stroke. It is now proven that obesity is a secondary risk factor for strokes.

* OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA - This condition is common to people who are overweight. This is characterized by having difficulty in breathing as one is asleep. Obese people are also prone to suffer from asthma attacks, sever bronchitis, hypoventilation syndrome and insufficiency in the respiratory system.

* ARTHRITIS - This is commonly found among obese patients, especially in people with severe clinical or morbid obesity. Studies also show that obesity raises the chances of a person of acquiring osteoarthritis, especially knee arthritis.

Those are just some of the health complications a person might end up with if he is obese. Obesity is a serious issue. What are the ways for a person to slim down?

* EXERCISE - Regardless of what other people say especially the things we see in advertisements, excercising regularly is still the best way for one to lose weight and stay fit. The simplest yet one of the most effective way is walking. Walking for an hour everyday is more or less enough.

* DIET - Eating the right food and the right amount is an effective way to slim down. Thus, nutrition should be balanced.

* WATER - Water is life, as many would say. As you exercise, you sweat. You need to replenish your body with water and rehydrate yourself. This is very important as it also improves one's metabolism.
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