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A Better Body: 5 Easy Steps That Anyone Can Take

If only there were a ‘better body boot camp’, we’d be there
every February – before spring started to show itself and those
lovely winter jackets had to come off.

Although this isn’t a better body boot camp, we can offer you 5
practical steps to a better body.

Following these steps at your own pace will help you lose
weight, get healthier and be ready for spring when those jackets
come off!

Step#1: Drink Up!

You’ve heard it before: we should all be drinking at least 8-10
cups a day. But are you doing it?

Are you spacing your water out through the day?

Water will keep you filled up, energized and running
efficiently. Lack of water can slow the metabolism and make you
confuse thirst for hunger. If there’s one step that’s easy to
make on the road to weight loss, it’s to drink more water.

Step #2: Move, Move, Move

We all know we should probably log more minutes on the treadmill
or elliptical machine. But what about building more exercise
into your daily life?

What about taking the stairs at work or at the mall? Or taking
five minutes to dance to your favorite song? Every little bit
helps with weight loss so get out there and move!

Step #3: Eat Dessert

We love dessert. In fact, dessert is usually our favorite part
of the meal. It’s logical and natural to want something sweet to
balance off that extra cheese lasagna or that chicken and
broccoli casserole.

But what about having a bowl of sweet red strawberries instead
of those brownies? What about sliced apples with cinnamon
instead of chocolate chip cookies?

Look for ways to build in fruit for dessert instead of sugary
snacks and you’ll save a load of calories without feeling
deprived of that sweet taste.

Step #4: Cut Down Where You Can

Ok, so you don’t want to deny yourself the cheesecake or your
favorite burger. You have to eat that birthday cake or sample
your Aunt Mathilda’s famous chicken pot pie.

But do you really need to finish it?

Start cutting back on portion sizes now, not denying yourself,
but doing what you can – and you’ll find it makes a big
difference calorie-wise in the long run.

Step #5: Challenge Yourself

There are some days where the universe is with you. You can go
without that chocolate bar, you can drinks lots of water and you
actually want that salad for lunch.

Recognize these days for what they are – a chance to leap ahead
in your weight loss goals and make up for the times you feel
you’ve blown it.

Run with it for as long as you can. Challenge yourself to make
the healthiest choices possible and soon you’ll be feeling so
good about these choices, you’ll want to make more.

So there they are: 5 Steps Towards a Better Body. While you may
not lose ten pounds in one week following these steps (on the
other hand, you might…), they’ll definitely get you started on
the road to weight loss, without feeling deprived or hungry.

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