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Childhood obesity Facts and myths

Children look cute when they are fat. This is the notion of every parent. But, the fact that in the last 30% the percentage of obesity in children is quite alarming and the experts say that this is not a good sign. Statistics show that the present generation is the first not to outlive their parents. The fact and myths regarding child obesity is discussed below.

Childhood Obesity Facts: It is a fact that childhood obesity can be prevented. But, if this is not the case then the parent of the obese child should take extra care to see that proper exercises are done by the child to reduce weight. It is the responsibility of the parent to take a proactive approach towards the diet and exercise of the child.

The second fact is that children grow up. Yes this is a rather obvious statement but chances are that an obese child grows to be an obese adult. If the parent does not take proper care to control the weight issue in the childhood itself then there is a maximum chance of him becoming an obese adult as well.

If the child is obese then it is important to know the fact right about obesity rather than going by the myths. The most common myth is that obesity runs in the family. It may be true when seen that the whole family is obese but with proper diet and exercise, obesity can be controlled. The reason for the whole family being obese can be because of unhealthy food that is eaten by them. Many people blame the genes and glands for obesity running in the family but on the funny side it is said that the only gland responsible for the whole family being obese is the salivary gland.

It is also a myth that diet is the answer to get rid of obesity. Children should never be put on a diet with the advice of the doctor. Whether obese or not child needs a certain amount of protein, carbohydrates etc for his growth. A balanced meal should be given to child and with the addition of exercise; the child can lose weight in a healthy way.

The myth that childhood obesity is just a phase and as the child grows the fat will disappear is indeed a myth. Without taking proper diet and doing proper exercise it is impossible for a child to lose weight. And finally, it is definitely not the child's fault if he is obese. Parents are responsible for this and it is their responsibility to make sure that the child eats healthy and good food and not just junk food.
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