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Kill Obesity With Phentermine

You can kill obesity with Phentermine, but you cannot live on Phentermine for ever. Phentermine is a drug that is used to suppress you appetite in case you have the urge to slurp sugary or fatty foods. Phentermine acts a suppressant by increasing your blood pressure and your heart rate there by releasing juices in to your stomach which decreases appetite. When this diet pill is consumed you will not have an urge to go in for the sugary or fatty foods.

But then this is not healthy living. You cannot live healthy by popping a diet pill daily and then forgetting it for the rest of the day. Healthy living is having a good workout at least four days a week and going for walks in your neighbor hood park for about twenty minutes daily. This is going to keep you fit and fine for a long time. This is the most natural way to lose weight. If you are declared obese by physician then it is high time that you chalked out a plan to lose weight. Make a routine and follow it strictly. Do not get lazy and find a solace in “I will do it tomorrow”. “The tomorrow’” attitude is never going to get you any where. The tomorrow is never going to come. You will realize this only when you are being wheeled in a stretcher for your operation.

Dieting is also beneficial for your body. Having fried foods one in a while is not going to harm your health, but then living on junk foods will eventually get you? There is a wrong impression that diet drinks are healthy. Yes they have less calorific content than their counter parts, but then plain old water is healthy. Once you get hooked to junk foods then there is no way out. You are too lazy to cook foods to eat, this leads to adding on calories by junk food. Fried foods are biggest hitters below the belt. If you can fast once in a week there is nothing like it.

Phentermine is prescribed for obese people to help them reduce weight as an immediate measure. Take Phentermine under strict medical supervision. The drug makes you dizzy and drowsy. Do not do heavy jobs and stand near high speed machinery if you are under the influence of the drug. This will cause fatalities. Even though no side effects have been observed on people using Phentermine, it is always advisable to take this under medical supervision.

Along with taking Phentermine you should do your workouts and dieting. Phentermine has some withdrawal symptoms. You should not stop taking Phentermine suddenly. It may cause depression and other related medical disorders.

When you are under Phentermine, you should have stopped eating high calorie food. Phentermine is going to do you no good if you are munching away on those fried goodies and chocolates. As I have discussed earlier, Phentermine is not a solution by itself. This is a helping hand in your decision to fight obesity. It can help you kill the urge; it cannot help you kill the greed.

Decide for yourself whether Phentermine is right for you when you visit PhenForum.com, the phentermine discussion forum and weight loss support group offering extensive research on Phentermine diet pills as well as weight loss tips for healthy, permanent weight loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Mason

Ian Mason - EzineArticles Expert Author
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