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The 20-Minute Break

I am reading a book recommended by a woman in my Small Group
Coaching Program called “The 20-Minute Break”, by Ernest Rossi.

This book is based on 2 decades of research testing on human
performance. What the researchers found was that our bodies
periodically give us physiological clues about how to stay
energetic, healthy and productive.

This research describes the “ultradian rhythms”, which are the
90 to 120-minute cycles that most of our key mind-body systems
follow. Our creativity, alertness, emotional balance, physical
energy and appetites all follow a wave-like cycle of activity
followed by a short period in which the body seeks rest and

Most of us neglect our body’s signs that we need to take a
break. We push ourselves through clear signals such as
diminished concentration and energy, often overriding them with
stimulants such as caffeine or nicotine.

This pattern sets the stage for chronic stress, fatigue and
overload of our systems.

For instance, here’s what Dr. Rossi says about the period
between 3 and 4 pm. “Researchers have called this period the
breaking point. After this point, the arc of our circadian
consciousness, which has been on the ascendant, begins its
downward curve.

The entire mind-body is reorienting from outer-world performance
toward sleep, our inner world of nurturing, healing and

How many of us are reaching for sugar and/or caffeine between 3
and 4 PM?

The answer, according to Dr. Rossi, is to start to recognize our
body’s signals and honor them by taking 2 or 3 20-minute breaks
during the day.

During this time, you can practice the long lost art of doing
nothing. Just let your mind relax, float, drift or simply enjoy,
allowing the body to direct its own healing and rejuvenation.

At most, you simply witness, quietly and objectively, whatever
changes happen by themselves, without acting or reacting to them
in any way.

The challenge of the 20-Minute Break is to actually use the 20
minutes for REST. Answering phone calls or email, or switching
your attention to another project do not count.

To get the benefit, you actually have to REST. On the days that
I have been able to do that, I have felt better, rejuvenated
with an increased sense of energy and creative thought.

Although I did NOT want to interrupt my day, it was well worth
the investment.

If you are unable to take 20 minutes during the day, the best
thing you can do is to take a breather to get in touch with

Recognize that you are under stress and need rest, rejuvenation
and recovery. Instead of indulging in sugar or some other
addictive substance, see this as an opportunity to recognize
your need and honor it in the most nurturing way.

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