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Add 8+ Years To Your Life!

Real fitness experts know that losing that excess bodyfat for
good will bring us a LONG list of benefits. Lower blood
pressure, lower cholesterol, decreased risk of some cancers, and
so on. Besides just helping us look and feel better, achieving
true fitness also prevents bone loss, improves memory, eases the
symptoms of menopause, and more! In short, regular exercise and
bodyfat reduction will all years to our lives by minimizing so
many life-threatening conditions.

Now, thanks to new research from Britain, we can actually say
how many years we might gain by losing that excess weight once
and for all! Researcher Tim Spector of St. Thomas’ Hospital
(U.K.) is part of the team that studied 1,100+ British women
between 18 and 76 years of age.

“Telomeres cap the ends of chromosomes in cells and protect them
from damage. However, each time a cell divides — and as people
age — these caps get shorter, so decreases in telomere length
have long been associated with the aging process.

Reporting June 14 in the early online edition of The Lancet, the
British researchers found that telomeres of obese women…..were
much shorter than those of lean women…… In contrast, lean
women had much longer telomeres than moderately overweight women
who, in turn, had longer telomeres than obese women.” (Source:
HealthDay News)

The researchers found that obese women aged an additional 8.8
years more than lean women (based on telomere length). Wow, 8.8

By the way, this study also focused on smoking and how that
impacted aging in women. Perhaps surprisingly, this study found
that women who do (or have) smoked aged an additional 4.6 years.
What’s surprising about this finding is that obesity appears to
cause more ‘aging damage’ than smoking, at least in some women.

There you have it, yet another reputable study proving that
regular exercise can add years to our life (and life to our
years!). The evidence is absolutely OVERWHELMING: maintaining a
fit body through regular exercise will help us live longer!

Besides, we want to look good in a bathing suit this summer!

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