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Weight Loss & The Rainbow Of Health

The Bible tells us that God gave the world the rainbow as a sign
that He would never again send floods to destroy the inhabitants
of the world. Throughout the world the rainbow goes by many
names. Some of the names are: the flashing arch, bow of Indra,
little window in the sky, bride of the rain, arch of Saint
Martin, bridge of the Holy Spirit, crown of Saint Bernard, and
the girdle of God.

The rainbow is beautiful to look at and a refreshing symbol to
behold after a good rain. It is also a reminder of God’s love
for us.

Perhaps we can also use the rainbow as a health reminder. The
colors of the rainbow can be a reminder of the colors of the
fruits and vegetables that we should eat on a daily basis for
optimum health.

The blue and purple of the rainbow can remind us to eat purple
grapes, blueberries, blackberries, elderberries, and black
currents. These contain anthocyanins, which can reduce the risks
of cancer, heart attack, diabetic complications, age-related
memory loss, and Alzheimer’s disease. They can also help control
high blood pressure.

Many of the dark purple foods contain phenolics, which may slow
the effects of aging and are powerful antioxidants. This group
includes prunes, plums, and raisins.

The green color in the rainbow can remind us to eat green peas,
honeydew melons, kiwifruit, broccoli, green lettuces, kale,
spinach, and leafy greens. These contain lutein, which helps
maintain good vision and reduces the risks of macular
degeneration and cataracts.

Another green group includes cabbage, broccoli, bok choy,
Brussels sprouts, rutabaga, Swiss chard, cauliflower,
watercress, and turnips. These contain indoles, which are good
for reducing the risks of cancer and tumor growth in cancer

The yellow orange colors of the rainbow can remind us of foods
that contain bioflavonoids, which work with vitamin C to reduce
the risk of heart attack and cancer. They also have powerful
antioxidants that help maintain strong bones, healthy skin, and
good vision. The foods in this group include tangerines,
oranges, lemons, grapefruit, peaches, apricots, nectarines,
papaya, pineapple, pears, yellow raisins, and yellow peppers.

The dark orange of the rainbow can remind us to eat pumpkin,
apricots, peaches, carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, butternut
squash, and cantaloupes. These contain beta-carotene, which can
boost the immune system, is a powerful antioxidant, helps
maintain good vision, and reduces the risks of heart attacks and

The red band of the rainbow can remind us to eat tomato based
products, watermelon, pink grapefruit, and guava. These foods
contain lycopene and can reduce the risk of breast, skin, and
prostrate cancer. They also reduce the risk of heart attack.

Other good foods in the red band are red onion, kidney beans,
raspberries, cherries, strawberries, beets, cranberries, red
apples (with the skin), and red cabbage. These contain
anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants. They can help
control high blood pressure and can reduce the risks of cancer,
Alzheimer’s disease, heart attack, and diabetes complications.

A healthy goal is to eat at least five servings of fruits and
vegetables every day. It would be good to try to include fruits
and vegetables from the different colors of the rainbow. There
are many other fruits and vegetables that are not listed here.
Include as many of them as possible for added variety and even
better health.

So the next time you see a rainbow, let the rainbow’s colors
remind you to eat the colorful fruits and vegetables that will
help your body to be healthier.

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