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Definition of Morbid Obesity According to Body Mass Index

The definition of morbid obesity suggests that it is a chronic disease in which there is an accumulation of excess body fat and in the bargain the health of the individual is negatively affected. There is a strong association between morbid obesity and various diseases like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis and even certain types of cancer. It is even a threat to life and can drastically reduce life expectancy. Of late, it has become a serious public health problem. A conscious attempt is made by doctors to address this problem and asking people to change dietary habits and increase physical exercise.

Measuring Procedure

For a long time the definition of morbid obesity was objectified with height and weight charts in which there were ranges of healthy weight which was based on age, height, weight and gender. There were many body fat tests measuring the percentage of body fat, but the tests were not precise. There was an inconvenient procedure of measuring body fats, which was done underwater. Also there was the skin fold test for which the skin was grabbed and measured in calipers. Lastly, electric current was used to measure fat which was called the bioelectric impedance analysis. Today, the current standard for measuring obesity is BMI or body mass index.

For the definition of morbid obesity, the calculation is done as body weight exceeding ideal body weight by 20 % or a morbid obesity BMI is 30 to 35 kg/m2. An individual who is morbidly obese generally exceeds the ideal body weight by 100 pounds or more, or is 100 % over ideal body weight. Super obesity exists when the body weight exceeds a BMI of 50 kg/ m2 or greater.

Definition of morbid obesity in absolute terms implies an increase of body adipose tissue mass, which is basically the fat tissue. This can be determined and assessed by BMI, especially in terms of its distribution via the waist circumference. In addition, if there is a case of morbid obesity, other risk factors have to be taken into consideration, especially medical factors which could influence the risk of complications during surgery.

Alarming Figures

A large number of people in the US are affected by morbid obesity. If it is compared to Alzheimer’s disease, there are twice the number of people who are morbidly obese. The health effects can be disastrous and it is common for obese individuals to suffer with more than one health effect. Above all, it has a negative effect on the quality of life.

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