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Frequent Burping after GB - 4 Years PO

Hello. I'm nearly 4 years postop from an open RNY. Lately, no matter what I'm eating or drinking, or even early when I haven't done either, I'm burping a lot. I've lost 122lbs. and have manage to maintain. Is there a mechanical cause for the burping? I don't remember burping this much in the beginning.  Do you have any suggestions for diagnosis and or treatment?

Thank you!

This is an interesting question that I've not encountered before.  I'm presuming that you've thought about obvious stuff, such as a new habit of drinking soda.

My best guess is that you're developing (or re-developing?) some degree of reflux problem, and that you've begun to (unconsciously) swallow frequently to try to clear the irritants from your esophagus.

The best way to test this would be an Upper GI series (X-ray swallowing test) or upper scope.  I recommend you check this out with your bariatric surgeon, though this does not ring a bell for me as something dangerous.

Best of luck!
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