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fat trimmings

G'day from Oz
Im in the process of switching to an all meat diet and am wondering if using fat trimming's from the local butcher(organic butcher) is a good way to get my fat quota? I cannot tolerate dairy raw or pasturised and i dont want to eat organic meats all the time. Im also considering coconut oil. Are fat trimming's a good source of energy?

(I'm not much in favour of an all-meat diet, as my own short-term experiments with such a diet were not a success - I favour "low-carb", instead. That said, if the Eskimoes  could do it for millenia, perhaps so can we, so I keep an open mind).

Re fat-trimmings:- Fat-trimmings is one way to get enough fat and energy - it's certainly way better than  dairy as a primary source of fat. You should also include some organ-meats, to some extent as well, as the Eskimoes would eat most parts of the animals they caught - the organ-meats generally  contain  much higher levels of (trace-)nutrients than muscle-meat, so they are very useful. Organ-meats very high in fat are:- suet, marrow, tongue,brain, but the other organs are also extremely useful. A member of my own rawpaleodiet Yahoo group, who has been doing a raw  all-animal-food diet for some time now,  suggests that 10% of such a diet should consist of raw organ-meats, but he doesn't personally feel the need for any more than that.

Re organic meats:- I thought  you meant to say  "organ-meats" not "organic meats" - if you actually meant to say "organic meats", I should add that, while there have been occasional reports of health-recoveries on even supermarket meat, it's heavily recommended to go for smaller amounts of high-quality meats rather than larger amounts of low-quality meats. Generally speaking, you should make sure that the meat you buy is primarily or, preferably,  completely grass-fed even if nonorganic - also,  "naturally-reared" meat, while not as high a category as "organic", at least ensures that the meat is free of hormones,unnecessary chemicals etc.

I've occasionally come across small-time farmers, in the past, who couldn't afford the cost of switching to organic, but whose meats/organ-meats were just as good as, or better, than officially-labelled organic food. However, it can be difficult to find such farmers, unless one lives in the countryside.

Re coconut oil:- Some rawpalaeodieters recommend this, but I'm a bit sceptical of such superfoods, and since I didn't get any definite benefit from eating raw coconuts, I didn't bother trying the coconut oil, in the end - I've read that the scientific studies on groups of Pacific Islanders which claimed some  health benefits for eating coconuts were flawed - that a much better explanation for their health was that their diet was low-carb and free of trans-fats/modern refined foods and the like. However, you should experiment with it, anyway, to see if it does indeed work for you, or not.

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