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diet plan

We are vegetarian My wife 44 years has been diagnosed for fibmultiple fiberoids can you suggest a diet plan for her

Hello- My suggestion to you would be to eliminate soy products from your diet and focus at least 80% of your diet on fresh living foods. I do not have any sort of specific experience with this particular diagnosis- but I do know that living foods will help the body begin to heal itself naturally. Again this is information to assist with any sort of medical advice you are receiving and is not a medical opinion on the diagnosis. We have had several clients that have minimized fibroids by moving to a living foods diet when in health crisis. Depending on where you reside this may be difficult to implement but if you keep it simple that should help. I would suggest consuming at least 32 oz of fresh pressed green juice a day (this would include any dark leafy greens like spinach, kale and chard, zucchini, cucumber, celery, and you can add some apple to the mix to help with the taste) The I would focus on meals such as salads with healthy fats like avocado, raw olives, raw nuts and seeds, and fresh vegetables like tomatoes, etc. This should help the body begin to repair using the enzymes and nutrient value of the food you are consuming. There are several other resources on the Internet if you search under the healing properties of living foods. Also it is important to remove any foods from the diet that are processed and unnatural- if you are looking for something to supplement I suggest steamed vegetables, brown rice, quinoa, and a light sampling of beans possibly but that is it. I hope this helps- there is a healing center called "Tree of Life" in Patagonia Arizona, and other called Optimum Health Institute in San Diego, CA that may also have some resources that could help you and lastly Hippocrates Health Institute has had great success with similar cases. I will meditate on a successful healing process for your wife and wish you all the best.
Peace and Blessings to you,
Chef Jenny

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