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Add Strength Training to Your Workouts for 5 Health Benefits

Add Strength Training to Your Workouts for 5 Health Benefits

Don't let uncertainty keep you from starting a weight training program. Jump into health and strengthen your knowledge and muscles with these benefits of weight training!

Add Strength Training to Your Workouts for 5 Health Benefits

Health experts and exercise advocates generally agree on a couple of concepts - some exercise is better than no exercise and a cardiovascular routine and strength training compliment one another. Jump into health and strengthen your knowledge and muscles with these benefits of weight training!

5 Benefits of Strength Training

1. Accelerated Metabolism

From exercise to simply breathing, metabolism encompasses the energy needed to accomplish all body processes. However, the body works harder to maintain muscle over fat. Gaining muscle mass and reducing body fat ultimately accelerates metabolism, even when at rest!

2. Increased Strength

Popularly, individuals start lifting weight to promote muscle growth and strength. Maintaining and increasing strength helps reduce day-to-day injuries (especially if lifting objects) and the risk of muscle wasting and weakening, especially with advancing age.

3. Enhanced Bone Strength

Weight bearing exercises are not only strengthening to muscles, but offers bone support. With strengthened bone density, the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis is reduced. This is extremely valuable for aging adults, especially women, as they are generally more at risk for bone weakening. Strength training can also improve pain associated with osteoarthritis, a joint disease occurring when connecting tissue (or the "cushion") between bones wear down.

4. Fostered Body Mechanics

Safe and structured muscle movements offer body stabilization. Targeting all muscle groups can be really beneficial to posture and poise. Additionally, optimized functional movements can help improve activities of daily living (ADLs).

5. Improved Mood

Not only will you stand tall with improved posture, but exercise further stimulates those "feel good" hormones, otherwise known as endorphins. Improved mood and confidence can ultimately contribute to an improved quality of life as well.

Get Lifting

Individuals may let uncertainty contradict starting a weight training program, especially if only exposed to cardiovascular exercises. Additionally, females generally often worry about "getting bulky" or feel too intimidated to step into the weight room. These tips will can calm your nerves and have you pumped up in no time!

Easy Does It

Ease into weight training, as starting slow reduces the risk of injury. Stay motivated, but do not get too overzealous.

Go Light First

It is okay to lift lighter weights, especially if new to weight lifting. Weight can always be added if the workout seems to be effortless. Additionally, start out with single sets and work up to multiple sets as tolerated.

Partner Up

Working out with a lifting partner can not only be helpful in the gym, but a motivator to get you there! A spotter reduces and prevents the risk of weight training injuries.

Body Weight

Benefits of strength training are not only concentrated to lifting weights. Simple body weight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and squats can also be extremely beneficial.


More does not always mean better. Allow your body to heal and recover between workouts and targeted muscle groups. Resting is sometimes the best "exercise" for your body.

It is noteworthy to consult with a healthcare professional before jumping into an exercise program, especially if dealing with a chronic disease or condition. Once a plan has been put into place, do not be afraid to push and motivate yourself, just do so in a safe manner! Find more on weight training, along with this beginner's guide.

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