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Finding the Proper Diet to Suit Your Needs

Have you heard the saying “like fitting a square peg in a round hole”? That is what many people are doing when they go on a diet. They simply choose a diet based upon the fact that their cousin’s sister in law lost x number of pounds on it. Little consideration is given as to whether or not they will like the recommended foods or even if they will be able to stick with the diet. For example, if I were to go on a diet that requires a great deal of time for meal preparation – I would surely fail. I might start off out the gate running but would inevitably fail because of lack of preparation time. I should have considered preparation time before attempting to follow this particular diet. I am a huge advocate of being prepared – but being prepared for me is having a meal replacement shake or bar in my car at all times.

Here are some things to consider when choosing a diet:

Do I like the recommended foods and will I be able to eat them in the amounts the diet recommends? Let’s face it – if you don’t like the foods you will probably not finish the diet. Likewise, if the portions are unusually small then you will more than likely deviate from the diet.

Does the preparation time for the foods agree with your schedule? Some diets require very little food preparation while some require elaborate meals to be prepared. Consider the amount of time you have to spend on food preparation compared to the amount of time the diet will require. Some diets have heat and serve meals that can be purchased while others may require you to purchase items from the grocery store and prepare the meals yourself. Other diets may require you using an instant meal replacement shake or bar once or twice per day.

Does the diet promote a healthy lifestyle and long term permanent weight loss? A healthy balanced diet will help you be happier and more positive. Eating an abundance of any particular food could lead to an imbalance – not to mention a burnout. Most experts agree that ½ to 1 pound per week is about the max you want to try and lose for long term, healthy weight loss. Calorie restrictions beyond what it takes to lose this amount could leave you feeling weak, depressed, non-motivated, and perhaps even sick. Choose a diet that has your health in mind and you will more than likely be able to maintain the positive mindset it takes to stick with that particular diet. Also, you want a diet that encourages you to change your long-term eating habits so that your eating becomes more of a lifestyle than a diet.

These are just a few of the things to think about when choosing a diet. The market is flooded with diets that will suit just about anyone’s taste so shop carefully and think long term.

Bill Herren is the webmaster for http://www.proweightloss.com bringing
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