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4.5 years post op Gastric Bypass Surgery

I have gained about 35lbs over the last 2 years and I am trying very hard to get it off, however, up until two weeks ago I was not able to eat just anything or a lot of anything because I would get sick, not bad but enough to stop me from eating which helped me lose weight from my ups and downs.  What could have possibly changed literaly overnight two weeks ago that has allowed me to eat anything, anytime, and as much as I want and never get sick.  At first I was happy because its been hard going out or even eating around friends and family because I just could not eat a lot before I felt sick but on the other hand now I need to have more will power and that is very hard for me.

Could my body have changed like that overnight?

Hi Patricia:

I know a few people who have suddenly been able to eat more near around one year post-op, but I can't think of anybody whose experienced that as far out as you.  If it's just a loss of dumping, well, that is normal, so to speak.  Many post-op RNYers find that they dump less and less frequently as they get further post-op.  

I would not rush to your surgeon unless you are having pain. However, it never hurts to make a phone call either to your surgeon or his/her PA. I would, however, make a note of this so that you can bring it up with him when you review your annual bloodwork (which I hope you are still doing. :))

As for the will-power factor, remember that your pouch, even if it or your stoma has stretched a little, is still going to offer you a lot more restriction than your pre-surgery stomach.  A lot of people find that going back to basics of protein first, followed by non-starchy veggies, fruits, and then finally whole grains (if room) is enough to "fix" their RNY.  Eat high-protein and high-fiber and you should be fine.  Others find going to liquid protein shakes for a few days helps to "shrink" their pouch back to normal.  You can try the 5daypouchtest.com to see if that helps.

Another thing to try is to pre-plan your meals for a week or so.  Many people find that this gives them some accountability and can help get one back on track.  

I hope this helps.  Sorry I don't have anything concrete to give you as to why you can suddenly eat more.

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