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special diet for me :)

hi my name is Georgia and i am 15 years old...... i am wondering if you can help me with a diet for my problems"

- paperers or high functioning autism
- P.C.O.S - please tell me if you dont know what this is
- obesity
- allergic to lactose dairy and gluten

any information would be good

thanks georgia

Hi Georgia,

I have heard of P.C.O.S but never in a girl as young as you. This must be a very difficult condition to live with. But I am afraid I don't think I am the right person to answer your question since diet cannot affect this syndrome.

Also, my paper on Autism is written for those with a background in Anthropospy and contains a lot of esoteric jargon, so I am not sure you are looking for that either.I tend to tailor a response on Autism to a specific question.

There is tons of information on obesity and dairy and gluten free diets on the web, so I can only suggest you google some more for any information in general. Try one of our other About diet experts, otherwise. But make sure you ask a very specific question and give more information about your personal situation. Diets are highly individual.

Take care,
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