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Dear Evelyn:

I抦 a 55 yr old male, live in S鉶 Paulo - Brazil and have a severe case of psoriaisis. I was searching about my disease, when I read, in allexperts.com,  your answer to Mrs. Marian, posted at May, 12, 2007, about night shades, where you talk about the astral/etheric bodies balance, related to cancer and psoriasis.
I抦 under an homeopathic treatment from 10 years, with a very experienced  85 year-old Homeopath, that has a large knowledge in spirituality, energies and esotherism. Hopfully I抦 getting better, but it has been very difficult to get a complete heal. My Doctor says that I have an strong unbalance that is difficult to heal. I keep doing the treatment and, as the same time I want to be healed, I also want to understand about these inner mechanisms.
My Doctor uses to talk in short worlds about differences between cancer and psoriasis, astral and etheric balance, but even feeling that he knows very well about this matter, it is clear that He is very reserved and doesn抰 like to deeply explain these concepts.
Reading your answer, I was very impressed when I read your same ideas about astral and etheric bodies, related to cancer and psoriasis.  So, after my Doctor, you are the first one I have heard these concepts from.
I also became very well impressed with your profile, ideas and statements. So, if possible, and according your availability, I would be very glad to recieve from you any additional information, source, Author or references that could me help to clarify these concepts and have a better understanding about my disease.
Thanks in advance for your attention and please, accept my excuses for any mistakes of my poor English.
Best regards

Dear Paulo,

I am checking in with you because All Experts has alerted me to the fact you are still waiting for an answer. But I have not forgotten you at all! I am well aware of your question and have been working for you since Friday.

You have put your question in a most intelligent and inspiring manner, so I want to really try to come up with a matching answer. This means pooling some information together for you from many different sources. I am assuming you have quite some basic understanding of your condition and alternative healing. Perhaps, I can add an alternative angle on top of everything with my Anthroposophic slant. I also find myself leaning towards the introduction of illness as it relates to colour but this is not easy to "translate" into every-day language, and may be too much for now. But since Psoriasis is very difficult to treat it may be worth this approach (Liane Collot d'Herbois, Colour Therapy endorsed by Ita Wegman, colleague of R. Steiner). Medically there is indeed not much hope of an improvement by treading the path of medication alone.

I will brush upon the colour theory if I feel it can "paint" a better picture of yourself to yourself.
In the mean time if you could do me a favour by directing me a little nearer to your specific situation with the following.

Could you indicate what type of psoriasis it is? The dry or wet type. I presume the dry, but let me know it otherwise.
Are there any conditions (climatological, lunar, nutrition, emotional) that aggravate the condition? These could help me pin some theory to illustrations.
Also, what medications are you on currently, or have you tried in the past? This will also help me to decypher the  (underlying homeopathic) diagnosis of your homeopath and help me link into what you already know.

Psoriasis is typically a condition that requires the spirit to understand the process (a call to self-consciousness, responsibility and spiritualisation of the self - a big word for a new type of true self-awareness), which is what your question indicates you are ready to do. That does not happen too often with psoriasis patients.

It may be best to get a real FEEL of where you are at, as your body describes for you. I will go into the details of etheric/astral/ego through the "picture" of the skin. This will lead into a deeper understanding of your total incarnational make-up. Our body aims to paint pictures of our spiritual condition and illness frames what we need to focus on.

It would help me to know if you would happen to know if anyone else in your family has a skin condition. Also, have you had childhood diseases (chickenpox, mumps, etc) or other semi-chronic juvenile conditions with high fevers (lungs/ears etc)?

For the rest, it may be helpful for me to know if you were a devout person (with a religion), a spiritual person, or an atheist; and what type of profession you have. All three types have equally valid but different approaches available to them. Then I can be a bit more specific in my response.

I am presuming that you have deduced from my profile that I will be able to supplement you knowledge with Anthroposophic angles. At the same time I would like to lace Homeopathic understandings into this approach so that you can connect new information to your current therapy. Healing methods are not at odds per se, but Anthroposophic medicine at its core does take a more individual spiritual (somewhat Taoist) approach by comparison to Homeopathy.But also, set against a broader cosmic context.  At the same time it also takes a slightly more scientific (classical medical) approach which is interesting and grounding in our modern day and age. Even if it is time you relied less on medication as a cure (more as a support) and more on self-awareness, you need to take a "scientific" and conscious,or extremely well informed and personally felt approach to your illness. I hope to provide you with some new insights or continued support in that regard.

I must admit, I cannot recall the answer I gave to the Questioner Marian, but I think her disorder was different to yours. I cannot access old questions from my end (probably owing to my own computer incompetence!). In any case, I make a point of replying afresh to each question, because the angle from which you approach a Question makes all the difference; but feel free to quote or stipulate any specific points you want me to qualify or explain with regard to that answer once you have your own. I would be most interested to clarify anything that remains foggy. Often simple details are missing. It is hard to read how far the mind or soul can reach when you are communicating through the net.

In your case, there are many angles from which to begin! Spoilt for choice, I would like to start with where you are at. Obviously, you have had quite a history and a special practitioner. It feels to me that you have almost been launched onto a new landing pad for new down-loads of information: that is, knowledge of yourself.

I am not quite sure how you want me to embroider cancer into the story, and it is not necessary (unless relevant) for a picture of your current condition. The story of sclerosis includes cancer and psoriasis, but that would be too broad an approach. It is often best to get a grasp of the "bodies" (ether/astral/Ego) through specific case studies. From there the meandering begins into the greater Riddle of Man. I feel that I may best serve you by showing you the paths you could embark upon for that purpose. There may well be a special healing therein.

Please post a follow up question with some further information as I requested, if you like. (You have the option to make this private, then I can also hand you my email if I need to send you any futher documentation through scans.) In any case, I will be getting back to you as soon as I have tailored an adequate response to your very eloquent, honest and sensitive question put in such remarkably good English.

Hope to hear from you soon,
In the meantime I will continue to work on your answer proper. Bear with me if it will take a while longer.

Warmest regards,

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