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Hypoglycemic diet

my concern is that I'm eating the wrong foods, what foods should I avoid and eliminate from my diet? and what foods should I eat more of?  I have heard that I should add more protein to my diet, Is this true?

A hypoglycemic diet really doesn't require any special foods, just shorter amounts of time between eating.  Usually six small meals or three meals and three snacks is sufficient.  A protein and carbohydrate for a snack is best.  Foods such as cheese and crackers, peanut butter and apple slices, or trail mix with dried fruit and nuts all contain protein and carbohydrates.  If you feel you should eliminate something from your diet, processed foods and fried foods should always be the first things to go because you get less nutrients for the calories you are consuming.  Of course, if you notice any food seems to make your blood sugar crash quicker (such as orange juice) you should avoid that food, but having protein and carbohydrates at the same time should eliminate big swings in blood sugar.  Vegetables are great to add to any diet because of all the vitamins and phytochemicals.  Most Americans get more than enough protein in their diet so unless you are a strict vegetarian who hates beans, you are probably doing ok protein-wise.  The only people who need extra protein are competitive athletes, and even they only get a couple more ounces per day.  (4-6 ounces of protein from a meat source per day is plenty for most Americans, who often eat that much in one meal.  Vegetarians need a little more because protein from plants is not absorbed as easily by the body.)

If there is more to your question, please let me know.  I feel like I am missing something that you want to know.
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