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Blood Type

What is your blood type?  do u find that certain blood types do better on a raw Paleo diet or is this theory nonsense.  Also, i have been making high meat and it looks like crap.  am i going to get sick if i eat this stuff?

My blood-type is O, the most common blood-type(I can never remember whether it's rhesus negative or positive).

I don't believe in the blood-type diet  at all. I've come across a number of reports where people stated that they had blood-types which according to Adamo etc., were suited more towards grain-consumption(blood-type A), but who subsequently found that they did very badly on grain. I'm unaware of any claims re certain blood-types being better suited to raw diets(I've only ever heard of claims re blood-types being suited to specific foods, where no distinction is made between raw and cooked versions of the particular foods).

Re "high-meat":- I'm extremely picky when trying the stuff. I only like using certain (raw)organ-meats for "high-meat"(eg:- tongue/heart/kidney) and I don't like eating "high-meat" when it's decayed to the point of being liquid - I tend to harvest it when it's only slimy on the surface, but still solid underneath. I also, initially, used such methods as eating only tiny amounts at a time, chased down by gulps of mineral-water.

What I would suggest is that you keep on experimenting with "high-meat". If, after a set time,you still can't get used to the stuff, then I'd suggest buying some EM-products to get the extra bacteria. The site http://www.eminfo.info/ has a list of relevant producers. EM is a nuisance to deal with, and rather expensive, but it's a better option where taste is concerned.

As for any negative effects of "high-meat", the only one ever mentioned on the rawpalaeo diet groups is that some people get so wired with energy after eating the stuff in the evenings, that they can't get to sleep - if that happens, it's obviously better to eat the "high-meat" in the mornings, instead.

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