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candida,leaky gut and ms

I have extreme candida and leaky gut. I also must tell you I have MS. I am going to start to try and battle this disease using the raw paleo diet. I read somwhere that A.V. successfully treated clients with MS using a raw paleo diet or as he calls it...The Primal Diet. I obviously must negate the candida and leaky gut. Can you tell me how you suggest that i do this?? I know to not have any form of sugar like honey,fruit,alcohol,starch,grains ,ect. I am very familiar with eating raw. I was a raw vegan...but never satisfied ...I always binged on too much fruit and so called raw snacks. So, I now am going to try a raw paleo diet. As for the leaky gut and candida...do you think high meat will help close the holes in my gut and kill the candida??? and if so can you tell me step by step , how to prepare it???As far as the myelin nerve damage from the MS...Do you think fat will repair it?? should I lean more towards raw fish or raw meat???Lastly...how do you yourself prepare and eat your raw chicken??? Thanks...sorry so many questions but I want to get well

The guru behind the (albeit-cooked) Homo Optimus Diet recommends a high-fat, moderate protein, and low-carb diet for his multiple-sclerosis patients, along with various extracts from the brains, spinal cords and other organ-meats from animals (the protein:-fat ratio is 1:3, and the carbs allowed are no more than 50g a day) - a raw version of such a diet, with organ-meats rather than processed extracts or supplements, would be very useful re alleviating MS symptoms.

Re candida/leaky gut:- With those additional symptoms, it's a very  good idea, indeed, to minimise the carbs(ie no fruit/honey/veggie-juice etc.) - if it's not a problem for you, it might be best to have a few carbs one day, then go mostly carb-free for a few days(ie eat only raw (non-dairy)animal-food, no plant-food), before again having a couple of carbs in very small amounts - I think it's better that way, than to have minimal amounts of fruit/honey etc. every single day, as the Homo Optimus Diet (perhaps unwisely) recommends.

Since you have leaky gut, it's absolutely imperative that you cut out all grains and dairy from your diet, regardless of whether they are fermented, raw,or whatever. Those foods are bad enough for one's health in other ways, but can seriously damage a person's body if his or her  digestive system isn't in good condition - even the WAPF have grudgingly admitted that leaky-gut is a special problem as regards raw-dairy consumption.

(I would also suggest not overdoing egg consumption. A lot of RPDers have complained about AV's recommendations re excessive daily amounts of raw eggs. Cordain, the Paleo diet guru, recommends a  maximum of 6 eggs, a month, for a number of reasons, and I tend to agree with him re this. It's better to get one's sources of fat from muscle-meats/organ-meats).

Re high-meat:- By all means, use "high-meat". That will help digestion as a side-effect and improve energy-levels and mood  by increasing the body's levels of bacteria, but it won't necessarily directly help heal the leaky-gut or the candida -  avoiding those other foods I mentioned will help more in that regard.

Re High-meat:- Theoretically, any kind of raw-animal-food can be used( to make high-meat(eg:- fish/eggs/muscle-meats/heart/kidney etc.) However, my experience is that people can only get used  to one or two kinds of "high-meat", at best,  and have to avoid the rest. In my own case, I quickly got used to using (organic/grass-fed) ox/beef hearts for my "high-meat"(which I use mostly), along with, on occasion,  ox or beef kidneys, and  I 've even had raw ox tongue as "high-meat", as well  - however, I still cannot stand eating "high-meat" in the form of eggs, fish/shellfish or muscle-meats(though I can now easily  tolerate some of them if they're only a few days out of the fridge etc.). I'd suggest that you keep experimenting with the various types until you find what works best for you.

For eating "high-meat", I'd suggest you start out with only eating tiny slivers of high-meat, so that you can just bolt them down without chewing. You should then quickly chase each piece down with a gulp of (mineral-)water. Once you get used to it, you'll find that you won't be getting an urge to vomit any more, and you'll be eating it with gusto - it's all a matter of unlearning old, bad habits and conditioning.

However, in my case, I only noticed the full fatigue-relieving effect of "high-meat" once I started to eat c.2 full  (bite-sized) chunks of "high-meat" each time. Even then, oddly enough, it would take c.12-24 hours for me to really notice the fatigue-reducing effect. I suppose effects will vary from individual to individual, so you should experiment to see what amounts work best for you.

Re "High-Meat" preparation:-  Cut pieces of meats/organ-meats up into bite-sized chunks, so that you can more easily deal with them later on. Put them into a vacuum-jar or bell-jar(I just use a sealed container from the supermarket). Make sure the container is c.50% full of air, so that the bacteria in the meat can get enough oxygen(this is important). AV recommends then taking the jar out once every 3 to 4 days, and opening the lid  and airing it  by shaking etc., so as to replace the stale, used air in the box. I find that liquid can accumulate in the box over time, so I tend to get rid of it. I also like using more solid meats like from ox-heart or tongue, than kidneys, if possible, as the softer organ-meats can quickly deteriorate into a sort of gooey slimey soup. My general rule, as regards using ox-hearts, is that I go through the routine of airing every so often(I prefer doing it every day, instead of every 3-4 days), until the ox-heart meat starts getting very slimey on the surface. At that point(c.two weeks or a  month(?), depending on low level of fridge-temperature), I start eating the smelliest chunks first, c.2 a day-(and, of course, I keep adding some fresh meats to the box  in the meantime, in order to maintain the cycle).

Some people prefer to do things differently. I know of some who don't mind eating high-meat even once it's become a liquid soup of mush, after a couple of months. This is not my thing. Others don't like using the fridge as the cold temperature, no matter how mild, slows down the rate of bacterial decay. The trouble with the latter practice is that flies are extremely ingenious re laying eggs on rotting-meat. I've sometimes left sealed containers out in the open, and after eating the meats, I would sometimes, after a week or two of continuous use,  fail to notice a tiny speck of larval eggs laid by a fly  on the underside of the lid, and, of course, when I roughly put the lid back in place, I would dislodge one or two tiny clumps of larvae into the aged meat, and would find maggots thriving in the mess a few days later.I am well aware that live maggots have been a delicacy in some ancient cultures, but I have yet to get to the stage where I can regard them as an everyday delicacy!

Re fat/myelin etc.:- Yes, I think fat will help heal it, to some extent. I would very strongly recommend raw (organic,100%  grass-fed) bone-marrow as a primary source of fat, especially as so many people in my diet group have been similiarly impressed by its effectiveness. It's incredibly healthy, and is a source of essential trace-nutrients, as well as stem-cells etc.

Re MS:- This is a  controversial topic, but the only data I've come across  so far indicating a cure with  definite, clinically-reviewed improvements re MS is concerned with  the "Hygiene Hypothesis" theory. Here's a link  re the cause and cure  of MS that might interest you:-


Re raw fish/raw-meat:- Everyone has a different take re this. Some RPDers are followers of the Aquatic-Ape Theory and eat a mostly raw-seafood diet, others avoid seafood and fowl  like the plague, due to misplaced fears re mercury-content, and just eat meats/organ-meats. Current studies of the diets of Palaeo humans show them as having eaten  mostly muscle-meats/organ-meats from land-animals, but also having moderate  amounts of raw seafood and raw fowl. Modern, organic-raised fowl are mostly(often completely) fed on grain and soy, so they are a definitely lesser option, these days. With regard to raw meats from land-mammals and raw seafood, there is the issue of nutrition - if most of the meats/organ-meats you buy have a hefty proportion of grain in their diet, it would be far healthier for you to go after wild-caught raw seafood instead, as a much higher percentage of your diet - if you can get hold of grass-fed organic meat, but most of the fish you can buy is farmed, then stick to the former foods, mostly etc.. In my own case, I tend to eat a lot more (wild-caught) seafood in the summer, and when I go abroad, I go out of my way to eat raw seafood, as organic meat is rare to find in Continental Europe.

Re chicken:- I highly disapprove of the way chickens are raised in this country. The Soil Association, the UK organic movement, has stupidly claimed an organic, 100% vegetarian diet as being the ideal for chickens, and organic farmers have followed suit. Given that chickens are, by nature,  omnivorous eaters of earthworms in the wild  etc, and the fact that I'm not exactly  fond of the taste of raw organic chicken, anyway, I haven't bothered to eat it for c. 5 years now. The only fowl I eat is free-range turkey breast-fillets, and some wild mallard duck(when in season) - and I usually don't have to do more than just cut pieces of with my meat-knife, and gulp the stuff down. At any rate, I've completely forgotten how to prepare a raw chicken.

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