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Improving your IQ. Nutrients for better learning

I have known two people of recent in different environments who have an IQ that qualifies them to hold the title of "Genius", which has gotten me a little down because my IQ is only 104. Is there a certain diet that is considered helpful towards the brains functions and development? I am 26 years old. I'm not sure if I am beyond hope. lol. It just seems that people with high IQs must have some sort of edge beyond higher socio-economic status, which seems to help people academically. What types of things should one put into their body that would serve the brain best? Maybe more fish oil, or a certain vitamin, or what exactly? I'm not asking for a mirical cure for my stupidity, just assistance. lol. Thanks for your time. :)

Hi James,

First of all, keep it in your mind that practical application of IQ is grossly overrated. More often than not, one's IQ is a result of practicing in different kinds of IQ test rather than anything else. This is why there IQ tests trying to get rid of cultural and educational backgrounds but the developers are not completely satisfied with them so far.

Another thing is doing your best to grow intellectually, feeding your brain both with right food and food for thought so to speak. However, it's hard to answer your questions while making long things short -- because these are rather long things :)

Here's the list of nutrients known to improve brain functions (see the link below to read why and where it comes from)

1. Magnesium Chelate 100 mg (at bedtime since it causes drowsiness)
2. Pure Vitamin C 100 mg (bioflavanoids were excluded due to their adverse effects on learning disabilities)
3. Vitamin B1 Thiamine 50 mg
4. Vitamin B3 Niacinamide 50 mg
5. Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine 100 mg
6. Vitamin B12 500 mcg
7. Folic Acid 400 mcg
8. Manganese Chelate 20 mg
9. Zinc Chelate22.5 mg
10. L-tyrosine 500 mg
11. L-glutamine 500 mg
12. Linoleic Acid as evening primrose oil 500 mg
13. Co-enzyme Q10 10 mg


Nutrients for Better Learning

Do you want to improve your IQ? (free eBook)

= TZ
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