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What is kvas?

Is kvas a beverage? Is it being used in recipes? What kind of recipes?

Thank you!

Dear Brian,

You are right. Kvas is a Slavic fermented beverage, which, by the way, makes it good for low carb dieting since the friendly bacteria in the process of making kvas eat up all the sugar in it.

Here's the simplest recipe. Yes, others are more complicated :)


1 LB dried ray bread, crushed
2 oz fresh yeast
1 tsp. white flour
1 LB sugar (it will go in process of brewing)
1/2 lemon
20 LB boiling water (at least)

Pour the dried bread into a big pot of boiling water, cover, let stand for 8 hours. Meanwhile, in a cup of lukewarm water, mix yeast and flour. After 8 hours, drain the bred and add the yeast mixture and sugar. Letstand in a warm place for overnight or for 12 hours. Drain through a cheesecloth, press the remains to squeeze out more liquid, put into bottles with a slice of the lemon in each, close tight and after 3 hours put into a refrigerator. Makes about 2 quart.

Now, where kvas is being  used. First of all it's a refreshening drink as is. Second most often use is in Okroshkas.

"Okroshkas" are Russian cold soups. The name originates from the Russian"kroshit" which means to chop. The classic one is a mix of mostly raw vegetableswith very special bread beverage

"Okroshkas" are Russian cold soups. The name originates from the Russian "kroshit" which means to chop. The classic one is a mix of mostly raw vegetableswith very special bread  kvas. It is, however, possible to use kefir or plain yogurt instead of kvas. Here's how.

For liquid:

2 cups of very fresh, "young" kefir
2 cups of cold water
Salt to taste
Sugar to taste

For solid part:

I/2 bunch of redishes
1 small raw red beet, finely shredded (or boiled and julienned)
2 boiled eggs cut into cubes
1 medium cucumber, julienned
2 medium green onions, chopped
1/2 cup baby dill, chopped
1/2 cup flat parsley, chopped

Use all parts cooled well and mixed.

4g Net carbs in 1-cup serving.
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