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Diet for Weight Gain

I am trying to put together a diet that will allow me to gain some weight and lower my body fat percentage from 18% now to 10 - 12%.  

Things that I understand to be true:
To gain lean weight, eat more than you burn.
To lose fat weight, eat less than you burn.
Weight gain requires anerobic training
Fat loss requires aerobic training

Currently my activity:
during the day - light to moderate activity
Weight training 4 days per week
Aerobic exercise 4-5 days per week for 1-1.5 hrs avg

While I understand that reducing the aerobic exericise would probably fit the bill, I participate in a couple of triathalons per year and the variation keeps me from becoming bored.

Bottom line - how can someone effectivly diet for a combination of  body fat loss, lean weight gain and a high aerobic activity level.

thank you for your help

Adam Lawson

Hi Adam,

You are right, to lose body fat, you must reduce calories below the level you need for body-weight maintenance but also to provide your body with all the energy and nutrients it needs to function at full capacity. Plus, to gain muscles, you must set a POSITIVE  calorie balance. To be able to simultaneously do these two things is impossible even theoretically. Again, you are right: one just cant be in anabolic and catabolic metabolic modes at any given time. BUT! One can do it one thing at a time. The only known to me solution is cyclical dieting (CKD) developed by and for bodybuilders.

By the way: this part of your question: "Fat loss requires aerobic training" - I'm not so sure about it, unless  you didn't mean "ONLY aerobic training." Fat loss or "fat burning" is the very goal of the bodybuilders and a few of them do lots of aerobic exercises (they are most probably wrong but that's a different question.)

The interesting part is, how high the intensities of aerobic training can be achieved while on a low carb, fat-loss phase of a cycle. The straight low carb diet aiming fat loss is known to allow aerobic workouts but nobody knows for sure about the highest intensities/durations possible. In any case, you will have to get well-educated to solve  your problem and I recommend that you turn to the best professionals in the field.

Here's where you might want to start:

Rather conservative approach. I recommend it for its very accurate, no-hype information and user-friendly, practical advice.
Go to: hop.clickbank.net/hop.cgi?bestweight/burnthefat

The Ketogenic Diet and The CKD Files, by Lyle McDonald (includes information on aerobic exercises)

Tanya Zilberter
Contact me at http://www.dietandbody.com/mfeedback.html  
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