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Healthy Weight Loss - Top Weight Loss Tips

These days, you would find a huge variety of crash diets that claim to cut down a considerable amount of weight from your body in just a matter of few days or week. Most people tend to give in to these promises and spoil their overall health.

The fact is that you lose weight quickly when on a crash diet, however, the weight comes back soon at your door once you start following your regular diet. Hence, going on a crash for weight loss is not a wise thing to do.

Here are some cool and easy tips to help you lose your weight without going on a crash diet or making you starve.

a)Tip 1 - Don’t skip breakfast

People tend to skip breakfast. They don’t realize that breakfast is the most important health routine. You should go for a fuller and healthier breakfast. If you skip your breakfast, there are chances that you crave for food during the day time.

b)Tip 2 - Avoid eating before bed

It is best to avoid eating before just before going to bed. In fact, don’t have anything for at least one hour before going to bed.

c)Tip 3 - Eat at least five serving of fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are great option to keep you fit and healthy minus the fat. Fruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. These have a tendency to fill up your stomach fast so that you feel fuller throughout the day.

d)Tip 4 - Portion size

Have an exact idea of portion size. One serving of pasta really means cup of cooked pasta. Remember that most restaurants serve a pasta dish with almost four serving of past. This will make you gain a lot of weight.

e)Tip 5 - Never skip meals

Eating a small amount of frequent meals will help you balance your calorie intake. It also works towards keeping your blood sugar level balanced. Don’t eat three big meals. Try to eat 3-5 small meals though out the day.

f)Tip 6 - Food substitutes

You need to substitute certain food items to cut down on a considerable amount of fat and calories going in to your body. Try to substitute fruits such as watermelon, peaches, oranges, bananas etc. for candies and cookies. Substitute honey for sugar and carob powder for chocolate. The taste is good and calories going in to your body would be considerably low.

g)Tip 7 - Don’t over restrict
Restricting yourself will result in over indulgence. Try to include foods that you like but make sure that you cut down on the amount of intake. This will save you from overindulgence and keep your weight under control.

h)Tip 8 - Cereals fortified

Cereals make treat breakfast option and provide you the nutrients required by your body.

i)Tip 9 - Weighing machine

Keep on weighing yourself to have a check on the amount of weight you lose. Losing some grams on a daily basis will give you the confidence to continue with your regime.

j)Tip 10 - Exercise

Don’t make any excuse for not exercising. All your diet plans would fail to achieve results if you don’t indulge in quality work out.

Don’t give up. All the best!

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