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Understanding Motivation And The Opposing Forces In Weight Loss

Yes you want to lose weight, and yes you have tried. Yes you have succeeded, but also yes you have failed.rnrn Does it sound familiar? rnrnYou go up and you go down, but really you want to be in the middle, because there is balance.rnrnThis is a familiar addiction story: You are on a diet, but suddenly you want to eat chocolate, you get an overwhelming feeling to eat chocolate that you cannot resist. You feel you can\'t take it and give in. You grab the chocolate that you had somewhere hidden just in case'?' and you eat it, and you feel good but you feel bad at the same time. Later you feel miserable because you could not resist the urge, and to that bad feeling you eat little more ice cream or whatever helps - it\'s easier now because you took the chocolate already... and your weight loss plans are scattered'?' rnrnThat is a familiar scenario and we want to get to the bottom of it and really understand what is going on inside us and why is it so hard to control our lives, so let\'s try to dig deep into this problem:rnrnI start again with an example: one day you stand in front of a mirror and you look at yourself and say - wow I look terrible, I must lose weight - then you make your plan. You try to stick to your plan, but from time to time you slip. Why is that slipping really happening? A week ago you had a strong motivation, but now it\'s gone - why? Losing weight is not easy.rnrnThe energy you had in the beginning was your motivation spark, but after a week you don\'t have that same energy anymore and old habits creep in.rnYou feel that you must fight against yourself harder. But who are you really fighting against? You are not fighting against yourself, you are fighting against your habits. There is big difference between you and the habits you have acquired during your life. You are the one who gives in to the habits or who controls them, the habits are not you, and you should look at them as emotional habit fields that you have learned to follow. Maybe that sounds trivial, but let me assure its not, and I\'m going to explain why.rnrnLet\'s pretend that you are following some sort of weight loss program and the first couple of weeks go pretty well. Then suddenly something happens that puts you emotionally off balance, I\'m talking about stress or disappointment or that sort of stuff.rnrnYou feel that you can\'t take it and you need to do something to get that bad feeling go away somehow. And you comfort yourself with ice cream and chocolate to feel better'?' this is a very possible scenario, the reasons can be different but I\'m sure you get the point.rnrnSomeone has said sometime, that eating goodies is compensation for sex. Well, I don\'t see it quite the same way. Eating sweets is definitely a compensation, maybe it could be also for sex, but we want to feel sweet inside and soothe our emotions because actually we don\'t feel very happy . You see, we often feel that we don\'t have enough love in our life, with love I mean the feeling that we are loved and we have fulfillment emotionally.rnTo compensate that lack of love, we find the next best thing, and its sweets, cakes, ice cream... rnrnSo really something inside of us feels empty and bad. To this emptiness and bad feeling we eat. This is a fact, not theory, and it is very important to understand.rnrnAlso understand that you are not that feeling of emptiness that you face from time to time that triggers the eating. You are the one experiencing that feeling, but you are not that experience, you are the one that chooses how to deal with it! Nothing can touch you, because actually you are free, but you feel so attached to all your feelings and from very young age you are used to say - I feel unhappy, I feel fear - and so on and so forth. rnrnThe reason why I\'m explaining this, is that understanding this simple fact can give you great strength when you try to understand yourself and fight your emotions. This will help you with weight loss, but also with all troubles in life.rnrnWhat I want you to actually see, is that you can love yourself. rnI say it again: You can love yourself.rnrnIt\'s really your choice. You can hate what you take yourself to be - the feelings, the body and your thoughts - or you can simply love yourself. Don\'t you feel that you deserve to be loved? I bet you do, and you know what, you don\'t have to be loved by somebody else, you can love yourself, and you can do it right now. You don\'t have to wait, and I strongly suggest that you start right now! rnrnThe best part is, when you start to love yourself you will also respect yourself, and when you respect yourself the others will also see you differently and you will get respect and love from the outside also. So it really is a win win situation.rnrnDon\'t say you cannot love yourself, or ask how do I do it. You just waste your time on that, because you know what love is - it is sweet and forgiving and happy and light and kind and compassionate and so on.rnrnLets wrap this up now quickly:rnrnYou choose what to do when you get a sudden desire to eat chocolate. You are not the desire, and you can look at the desire and say: I have developed you with my thoughts and habits, and you ask for fulfillment, but I will not give it to you, because if I do, you will harm me and pull me down. Instead I will love you. I will look at you, because you are not me and I will love you, and I will feed you with my love that springs from the source which is me, because I am free and I always will be, and then you will change and eventually fade away, because you are born because I lacked love, but now I love myself and I can take care of my feelings and my body and live a happy and healthy life.rnrnSo that will be your attitude, but you also need a good weight loss program to follow that keeps you healthy at the same time. rnrnTo your success on all levels.

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