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Weight Loss, Easy Weight Loss, Fitness, Lose Weight

Weight Loss Made Easy
Ok, I see I have your attention… When you look around at pretty much every
ad out there that is trying to sell some kind of weight loss product, whether
it’s a piece of fitness equipment, or some kind of diet plan or even a pill
or a product that’s going to “melt away the pounds”, they all are
saying how easy it will be for you. Why would they lie to us like that? We
deserve the truth, so if they won’t do it, I will! Nothing annoys me more
than reading or hearing how easy it is to lose weight, when I know that
it’s not exactly the truth.
If you are like most Americans you made a New Year resolution to lose weight,
are you reaching your goals? Have you even taken any action toward reaching
your goals? Maybe you are still thinking about starting that exercise or diet
program… soon. What happens with those scenarios is that we are inclined to
go back to our “regular” lifestyle…. We have, what I call, “limiting
beliefs” and those are the beliefs that will pull you right back into your
old ways and will have you putting that weight right back on…. And then
some! They are self sabotaging and this is why we have the same New Years
resolution year after year… If losing weight, and keeping it off, were
easy, I’d be working for an insurance company or something...
So there you go, losing weight may be simple, because you know it comes down
to eating right and moving your body enough, consistently, but definitely not
easy. Learning how to change your belief system is the ONLY way to achieve
and keep your weight loss and fitness goals… the ONLY way! If you change
the way you think and feel about food and exercise the rest does comes easy.
So how can you do that? Well, there are many tools and exercise’s (no pun
intended) I offer my clients. Here is one tip I give my clients: “surround
yourself with winners.”
What I mean by that, is putting yourself near an expert, as much as possible,
who has accomplished what you want, fitness, or any area of your life for
that matter. If you want to play a sport, hire the best guy out there, the
one who wins. If you want to get fit or lose weight, learn from someone who
has been successful and mastered it! Think about it…. millionaires don’t
hang out with minimum wage workers, and health nuts don’t hang out with a
guy name “Smokey Joe” at the corner bar! Another way to truly surround
yourself with winners is to (DAILY) read an article or something related to
your goal …daily! It keeps your brain focused on what you are supposed to
be doing and away from those other things that pull you further from your
goals!!! For more ways to help you stop sabotaging your self visit:

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