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New Chitosan facts


It takes a lot of disciple and commitment to lose or to maintain a trim body. These days a lot of people are making that important decision to lose and keep healthy. Fortunately, due to the advancement of science, there are now various pills and medications which can make the process of losing easy, quick and safe. Chitosan is one of these wonderful diet pills available.
Chitosan diet pills reduce fat, help raise good cholesterol and control appetite naturally. Basically, Chitosan is a fiber derived from shellfish, and it operates as a magnificent fat trapper.
Nowadays, many chitosan-based products are available on the market, and they all promise to block fat in order to benefit from loss.

Chitosan, works to bind to some of the dietary fat that you eat and remove it from the body rather than allowing it to be absorbed. This way, you do not accumulate excess fat.

Based on some reviews and claims, Chitosan attaches to the intestinal lining where it tightly binds dietary fats and lipids prior to the absorption in the body. Consequently, the dietary fat is prevented from entering into the bloodstream because when the dietary fat is bound to the chitosan fiber, it becomes a large mass which cannot be absorbed in the body. This means that the fat is not absorbed into your body, thus preventing you from carrying excess .


In addition to chitosan, Supplementing with Vitamin C can aid Chitosan effectivity. Several published reports have shown that chitosan works in concert with Vitamin C. Additionally; Chitosan also contains an all-natural bean extract that generally inhibits alpha-amylase activity. This prevents the breakdown of dietary starches into glucose, which means that carb from starch passes through the system unchanged.

It is also claimed that Chitosan is a non-stimulant, all-natural nutritional ingredient derived from the white kidney bean. Chitosan is by far the first nutritional ingredient that has been clinically and scientifically proven to neutralize starch that is commonly found in your favorite foods like breads, pasta, rice, crackers, corn and potatoes. If we do not expend some energy by exercising, we accumulate fat from eating these carbs.

It is important to understand how Chitosan works. The advocates of Chitosan state that during the digestive process, your body converts carbs by breaking down the carbohydrate molecule with alpha-amylase, which is an enzyme produced in the pancreas. These calories are either burned off through exercise or stored as fat cells for future use. If one does not exercise to expend calories, this may lead to gain. Inactivity means that these stored fat cells accumulate. This is where Chitosan comes in. Chitosan then binds to some of the dietary fat that you eat and removes it from the body rather than allowing it to be absorbed. In addition, Lipase, a digestive enzyme is added to Chitosan in order to assist in emulsifying the fats that you consume, making it a better fat absorber.

Chitosan seems like a wonder pill has several other health benefits; namely, it increases fiber intake; avoids constipation and increases bone density. It is also said to help with healing wounds and ulcers. Chitosan also reduces the risk of heart disease and improves longevity.

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