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Weight Loss Tip #3 – Boost your metabolism to lose weight

By now, you would have realized the importance of eating frequent meals and burning more calories than you consume. But, one thing that irks many people who want to lose weight is the concept of metabolism. If you are one of those who think that ‘XYZ eats just as much as I do, but he doesn’t put on weight while I do’, then you need to realize that XYZ doesn’t put on weight because he has a higher metabolism. Simply put, metabolism is the process by which we convert the food that we eat into energy.

The reason it helps you lose weight is because a high metabolism will ensure that you burn more calories in a short time span. Some of the ways in which you can boost your metabolism is by exercising and eating small, frequent meals. In particular, foods like capsicum, ginger, chillies and green tea can all raise your metabolism. Also, you should avoid foods that give you instant energy like sugary drinks and coffee. They tend to act on your hormones and disrupt your metabolism. Skipping breakfast is another thing that you should avoid as your metabolic rate is lowered when you are sleeping, and if you don’t give it an instant boost after waking up, it’ll cause damage to your body.  

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