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4 Simple Ways To Spring Clean Your Kitchen

Adapted from Cut the Clutter, Drop the Pounds by Peter Walsh.

Getting ready for spring cleaning? Whether it's one room or the entire house, before reaching for your cleaning supplies, first ask yourself, "How will my space look, feel, and function when I’m finished?" Think about all the rooms in your home, how they are today, and how they should be in order to feel happy.

If it were just a matter of stocking up on containers or a putting better organizing systems in place, that would be one thing. But the truth is there are powerful insights to be had when we learn to see our environment as a reflection of something more than just the accumulation of "too much stuff." And, if there's one deeper, universal clutter truth, it's that clutter can prevent us from letting anything new into our lives.

Clutter Master Peter Walsh
Peter Walsh, clutter expert and author of Cut the Clutter, Drop the Pounds, has seen clutter in hundreds of homes while helping people liberate themselves from the oppressive weight of "stuff." And purging all of those excess materials has resulted in all sorts of positive spin-off effects, he says. A cluttered state of living isn't just a nuisance when you need to find the car keys. It can translate into impaired mental health, leading to feelings of anxiety, depression and even weight gain.

So in honor of spring-cleaning, Walsh shares some of his go-to organizing tips to help you create a space that makes you feel happy. Follow these tips for peace of mind, pride of ownership, and sanity in just 10 minutes a day. Now ask yourself, if you could declutter every room in your home in just 10 minutes, would you do it?

Spring Cleaning the Kitchen
The kitchen is the heart of the home and probably one of the most active rooms. However, the kitchen usually becomes a catchall for household debris: piles of bills, unread magazines, homework, and stuff that doesn't seem to have any other home. Develop a vision for what you want from your kitchen.

Creating a vision requires an idea of how you'll use your kitchen, how you want to feel in this space, and what the area will look like. The appearance and content of the room support the activities you're planning to do here. Make sure your family is on board! A shared place needs a shared vision.

Below Peter shares his top tips to confidently keep the kitchen clean in 10 minutes a day and reduce stress this spring:

Throw Away Those Containers

You just prepared a healthy lunch and need to pack it up. You reach for the dreaded cabinet where the plastic containers live and out fall 10 lids that don’t match any containers. It’s a common story that can lead to frustration and consume time. Take it all out and recycle lids and containers that don’t match and any that have an excess amount.

Organize Your Cleaning Products

It seems intuitive to keep cleaners, well, clean. Keeping a tidy home becomes less of a chore when you have all the essential tools and supplies on hand. By organize you cleaning supplies, general household maintenance will be much more manageable.

Attack the Pantry

Before deciding what will go into your pantry, decide what you want this zone to provide you. If you’re consistently searching for your spices, clear a space and alphabetize them for quick access.

Address the Preparation Area

Clearly defining your preparation space makes it easier to maximize your space and functionality. Look at the place where you keep your pots, utensils, pans then decide where they belong or whether they should be tossed out. Quick tip: pots and pans unused for 12 months can go.

MORE: How To Lose 11 Pounds Without Dieting Or Exercising

Our Relationship with Objects
Malignant Clutter: Possessions become extensions of us. And long after we're gone, some might even say they become our legacy. However, there are certain possessions that have the power to take you to another place and time, to remind you of events long past, to overwhelm or depress you. It's harmful, and rooting it out must be your priority. The idea of throwing them out might be hard, even when you can see they're bad for you. Let's review a few of the malignant items. While we don't expect you to throw everything out in one shot, be honest with yourself and think about how these items make you feel.

  • Unhealthy cooking tools: From deep-fat fryers to the baking pan you use to make brownies that make you feel better after a stressful event.
  • Utensils that represent some type of failure: Items from a previous marriage, dishes that promised healthy meals in 10 minutes and never delivered.
  • Objects that cause you pain: Inherited cookbooks you never use and feel guilty about.

Controlling the clutter will help your mood; it can be a step toward keeping a healthier home and a healthier you! 

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