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Weight Loss Tips To Keep You Motivated

Weight loss is an issue that many people struggle with. The issue though really isn't losing weight... losing weight is rather simple... the first few pounds that is. The problem comes with a person sticking their new exercise or diet routine, so they fall back into their old routine. When that happens, the weight creeps back on. The fact is that the only way to maximize your weight loss and keep it off is to stick to your diet and exercise routine. To help here are a few tips that you may find useful in helping you stick with your program.

Make Small Goals. When you're starting out, it's okay to have a large goal in mind, such as losing 50 pounds, but it's also important to make smaller goals. You will be able to attain these smaller goals much more quickly and each time you meet one it's going to keep you motivated to move forward. A goal of 50 pounds is a great one but it can feel overwhelming when you're getting started with weight loss. To help you lose weight successfully, set a few small goals for yourself.

Keep a Food Diary. Try to write down everything you consume each day for a minimum of 2 weeks. This is an effective way to know exactly wh at you're eating and how many calories you're taking in. Sometimes you don't realize just how much you're eating until you think about it and write all of it down. You'll be able to see which foods you should start eliminating from your diet as well which will help you lose weight. Identifying the problem areas in your diet can you jump started on your weight loss goals.

Start an Exercise Diary. If you are keeping track of the food you eat, it only makes sense that you keep track of the exercise you are doing. Make sure that your each journal entry includes the amount of weight you are using during strength training as well as how many reps you have done. For cardio exercise write down how long you worked out, what you did and if possible the number of calories you burned. Exercise is essential to any weight lose efforts you are making.

Avoid the Scale. While many experts will tell you to weigh yourself every day, it is best to not stand on the scale every day when you are starting out. The reason is that weighing yourself daily can be discouraging because weight naturally fluctuates. The best option is to stand on the scale once a week, the same day each week and the same time if possible to monitor your weight loss.

Use Measurements. A more accurate way to track your progress is to get a tape measure and measure various areas of your body such as waist, hips, arms, and thighs. If possible, take your first measurement before you start your new routine and then measure at periodic times throughout to track your progress. This will help you see the true change in weight loss and muscle tone. Keep in mind that it isn't always about the amount of weight you lose, especially after you have started losing weight. Its about getting in shape.

Make Sure to Reward Yourself. All of the little goals you have set, as well as the big goals, require rewards when you meet them. When you lose 5 pounds, treat yourself to something nice. This can be new candles, a bubble bath, new running shoes, or new music on iTunes. Something that is going to make you feel good for all your hard work and motivate you to keep going to reach that next goal. The bigger the goal, the better the reward.

Weight loss isn't really what people struggle with it's more that they lack the motivation to stay on track to lose weight. It's easy when you first start out because everything feels new and fresh but once you start to become accustomed to your new lifestyle you may begin to get bored. If that's the case you'll want to switch up your workouts to stay motivated and keep your body well on its way to weight loss. You can lose weight if you're motivated to do so but it's up to you to be motivated.

Weight lose is a struggle that many people battle with each day. At least that is the way it seems. The truth, however, is that weight loss is rather simple. The issue is sticking with a new exercise or diet routine. You get bored and you go back to your old habits. Weight lose is dependent upon you sticking with your diet and exercise routine. To help overcome the hurdles of staying motivated to lose weight.

Make Small Goals. When you're starting out, it's okay to have a large goal in mind, such as losing 50 pounds, but it's also important to make smaller goals. You will be able to attain these smaller goals much more quickly and each time you meet one it's going to keep you motivated to move forward. A goal of 50 pounds is a great one but it can feel overwhelming when you're getting started with weight loss. To help you lose weight successfully, set a few small goals for yourself.

Have a Food Diary. The best way to know what needs to be changed in your diet is to really know what it is you eat each day. Keep a journal for at least two weeks, and write down each and everything you eat or drink and how much. Keeping track of the amount of sugar you use is also important. At the end of the two weeks take a look through the journal to get a better idea of what needs to be changed and slowly start making those changes.

Have an Exercise Journal. If you are keeping track of the food you are eating it only makes sense to keep track of the exercise you are doing as well. Make sure that your routine includes both strength training and cardiovascular workouts. Your journal should have the exercise you are doing, how long you did it for and how many you did. For the strength training, reps and the amount of weight you use should be written down. For cardiovascular keep track of time, distance and the calories that are burned. Working out gives your weight loss efforts a huge boost.

Avoid the Scale. While many experts will tell you to weigh yourself every day, it is best to not stand on the scale every day when you are starting out. The reason is that weighing yourself daily can be discouraging because weight naturally fluctuates. The best option is to stand on the scale once a week, the same day each week and the same time if possible to monitor your weight loss.

Measurements. The first weight that comes off is usually water weight. Once the body stabilizes it may not seem as though you are losing weight at all. This is why measuring your waist, hips, arms, thighs and so on will provide you with a much more accurate way to see that there really is weight loss going on.

Pat Yourself on the Back for a Job Well Done. Remember the small goals that you set, when you reach one, reward yourself. When you reach a main goal, really reward yourself. For example, you lost your first five pounds, get your nails done, buy a new CD or buy those new running shoes. Positive rewards for hard work will help maximize your weight loss efforts.

Weight loss isn't really what people struggle with it's more that they lack the motivation to stay on track to lose weight. It's easy when you first start out because everything feels new and fresh but once you start to become accustomed to your new lifestyle you may begin to get bored. If that's the case you'll want to switch up your workouts to stay motivated and keep your body well on its way to weight loss. You can lose weight if you're motivated to do so but it's up to you to be motivated.
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