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How To Lose Weight - The First Steps

In order to lose weight, to keep it off, and to feel happier about yourself, there are a couple of simple steps to take. The road to losing weight is never easy, but here are a few tips to start you off on your journey:

1. .Keep a journal

Firstly, you need to identify where most of your calories are coming from. Keeping a journal of the food that you eat and also the calories that you consume is a big step on the way to your weight loss program. Straight away, you will be able to see where the majority of your excess calories come from, and make it easier to eliminate them.

Also, you are introducing a level of accountability into your calorie consumption - review your journal once a week and be honest with yourself - did you really need to eat that??

2. Check your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Check out your diet profile and your BMI. Your body mass index is a statistical measurement that measures a person's ideal weight relative to their height. It is an easy calculation, and gives you a good guideline onto any current weight problems. The formula for finding your BMI is simply your current weight divided by the square of your height. The following table shows you where your BMI stands:

BMI (kg/m2) less than 16.5 = severely underweight
BMI 16.5-18.5 = underweight
BMI 18.5-25 = normal
BMI 25-30 = overweight
BMI 30-35 = obese class1
BMI 35-40 = obese class2
BMI 40-45 = severely obese
BMI 45-50 = morbidly obese
BMI 50-60 = super obese
BMI 60+ = hyper obese

When you have worked out your BMI, it is easier to work out how many calories you need to consume, and how many calories you need to cut back on when working out your weight loss program. Remember that BMI is only a guide!

3. Use a calorie counter

A calorie counter is a great educational tool and will ensure that the amount of food you eat will work in tune with your daily calorie allowance. You can use the calories counter as a book, or even via the many internet sites available. A book, however, is usually more practical, as it can be carried with you and accessed throughout the day. Look at the ingredients to your meals and snacks and note their calorific quotient.

4. 60 minutes of exercise per day

Now that you have identified how much weight you need to lose and how many calories you have to eliminate each day, it's time to move on to the exercise part of your new regime. Exercise burns calories quicker and can have enormous benefits to your weight loss program.

Everyone is different, and everyone has different needs and requirements when it comes to exercise. 60 minutes a day exercise may seem a lot, but it doesn't have to be strenuous exercise - there is no point in trying to run a marathon on the first day! Try taking a brisk walk or a light swim; this will do you a great deal of good when it comes to weight loss.

5. Get plenty of sleep

Sleep is absolutely essential for the brain and body to function properly. When we sleep, the body repairs itself, and your muscles relax, allowing them to take on more oxygen (remember - the brain is a muscle too).

Also, if you are tired throughout the day you are more prone to binge eating as your emotions go on a roller-coaster trying to maintain your daily activities. It is true that your new exercise regime may make you feel more tired as you start, but as your body gets used to the new routine, you will soon feel full of life.
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