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7 Easy Ways To Lose Weight

If you're reading this article you're looking for easy ways to lose weight, we'll need to lay down some ground rules from here on in.

Firstly, forget about the idea that you're going to be dieting forever. Forget about your dieting failures, forget about any recent weight gain you might have experienced, forget about your fat tummy or thighs and give yourself a clean sheet.

I know this is easier said than done, but it's very important if you want to lose weight and take back control of your life you'll need to forget all the times you've dieted and failed in the past...that's where you should leave it in the past. Even forget the gym for the moment.

Here are my 7 tips...

1. Start your morning with a glass of water to get the metabolism going then don't skip breakfast! Skipping breakfast can make you feel hungrier later in the day. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, does not help to lose weight. In fact, people who skip meals tend to overeat later in the day.

2. Eat more frequently with smaller portions as this allows your body to constantly burn calories since digestion is a workout. This also helps kick the metabolism into gear with a steadier workload. Eat five small meals a day instead of three large ones. Always keep plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and other low-calorie, healthy snacks at home to stave away mid-day hunger pangs.

3. If you do have a snack you like to eat regularly, look for a lower-calorie alternative. It's not rocket science, but making small changes to your daily eating habits can make a huge difference to your weight over the course of time.

4. Eat only when you hear your stomach growling. It's stunning how often we eat out of boredom, nervousness, habit, or frustration -- so often, in fact, that many of us have actually forgotten what physical hunger feels like. Eat slowly and calmly. Start thinking about food in a different way, like gas for your car.

5. Eat 90 percent of your meals at home. You're more likely to eat more -- and eat more high-fat, high-calorie foods -- when you eat out than when you eat at home. If you are being served by someone else, eat only what you normally do, you don't have to eat all of what's on the plate!

6. Start checking out the labels before you eat the food. Even though you may think you can guess how healthy something is just by what kind of food it is etc, you'll still be surprised. Also when you start eating a meal, eat the heavy foods first. If you eat the lighter foods, such as pasta and vegetables first, you won't fill up as fast.

7. Take more exercise, yeah I know you that nasty word "Exercise", you didn't want to hear this but sometimes the truth can be painful but it can also set you free.

Exercise is important and the best weight loss program should include exercise into their program. Some weight loss program you don't have to do any exercise at all if you join their program, but it is still one of the best option in order for you to solve your weight loss problem. It could be your neighbor or relative, this can make the whole routine a fun affair.

Exercise is not only good for your health but it will also help you on your quest for easy ways to lose weight. Exercise really is the key to losing weight. But nobody wants to hear that. Exercising regularly helps burn calories and fat in your body and keeps you fit. Even a walk for 10mins or climbing 20 stairs helps burn calories.
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