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Do You Have What It Takes To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

So many people want to lose weight but there are very few people who actually manage to get to their target weight and even less will manage to maintain their weight loss. The question on a lot of people's lips is why can some people do this when others just can't? Well a lot of the reason seems to be associated with motivation. If you want to be able to reach your target weight and then stay there, the following tips should help.

- A lot of people will put too much focus on their target weight and then trying to reach this. What often happens when people do this is that their main goal is just too much for them and they end up giving up halfway through or they will get to their target weight and then stop trying because they have met their goal.

Your target weight should be something that you are trying to reach and then working hard to stay at. If you make your goal lifelong weight control then you are far more likely to accomplish this aim, and not just enter a fad diet or fitness regime.

- Once many people reach their goal they lose their motivation. This is why you have to keep reminding yourself of where you have come from and how bad you will feel if you end up back there.

Before you start to lose weight in the first place, you should write a note of why you want to lose weight and how you will feel when you reach your goal. This piece of paper will be great for looking at when you feel like you are losing your motivation.

- Be grateful for your weight loss and never take it for granted. If you are grateful for what you have then you are unlikely to backtrack.

You need to remember that you should not be looking for a temporary fix but rather a long term life change.
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