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You Too Can Lose Weight!

If you're experiencing difficulty losing weight, take heart. Your case is not hopeless. There may just be a few things you're not doing right. You may need to adjust your weight loss goals and tactics. You'll also need to put a little pressure on yourself to reach your goals and stick to your program.

One way to do this is to tell yourself (and also close friends) how much weight you want to lose by a particular date. The thing is that simply telling yourself you desire to lose weight without setting a target date and deciding how many pounds you need to lose is usually not enough.

Something else that may be standing in your way could be your choice of weight loss program. There are varieties to choose from, depending, of course, on your state of health and how much weight you need to lose, and how soon you want it. But generally, it's been proven that people find it easier to stick to a weight loss plan (and thus record greater success at losing weight) if the plan is in line with what they enjoy doing.

So what type of sports or physical activities do you generally enjoy--is it swimming, jogging, brisk walking, weight-lifting, or ball games? Ensure you choose your weight loss activity in line with this preference as this will increase the probability that you'll sustain the interest in the long run. Remember that in the final analysis, it is consistency that guarantees the best results from any weight loss program.

Again, watch out for hidden calories. For example, are you aware that frying your food increases their fat content than boiling them? Do you also know than cold drinks are better for your metabolism than those that are lukewarm? In the case of cold drinks, your body is forced to heat them up before they can be digested, and the process increases your metabolic rate.

To further increase your chances, mind how you eat, besides what you eat. By all means, do not skip breakfast. It is your most important meal of the day. Meal eaten in the morning gives your body necessary energy to remain active throughout the day, which aids metabolism and weight loss. Much the same thing applies to lunch. For dinner, skip it if you wish. But if you must eat at night, avoid heavy meals such as you'd normally eat during the day.

Reason is that you're unlikely to engage in much activity during the night, and so rather than use the food as energy, your body stores them as fat and deposits them at the wrong places--waist, stomach, upper arm, etc.

Also you need to gradually increase the amount of physical exercise you put in. Although 20 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week is the mean recommendation, you may need to take it a notch higher if that's not bringing you desired results.

After checking your fitness level with your physician, you may decide to go beyond twenty minutes, though I'd recommend increasing the frequency to, say, five or more times per week. At the same time you should also increase the intensity of the exercise. But it must all be gradual. If you sincerely implement the steps above, you will discover that you too can lose weight. For more health and weight loss tips you can visit my Blog:
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