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How Can I Lose Weight? Lose Weight Now in 3 Easy Exercises!

The best weight loss exercise is not walking on a treadmill for less than an hour everyday. It also is not swimming a lot of laps in an Olympic-sized pool. It is not running 5 miles everyday as well. If you're asking yourself, "How can I loose weight?" Here are the 3 surefire exercises that will help you shed off those unwanted numbers in the weighing scale.

1. Exercises that you like or love doing

When we said that we're going to exercise it meant that there must be some physical movements going on. So this rules out those other things you love doing like watching TV, reading, or sleeping. You need to be on the move - start thinking of what these activities are.

If you like playing golf, then by all means, grab your golf bag and pull up a caddy. The walking and careful swinging will definitely give you some exercises that can be beneficial. The best part of it all is that you enjoyed doing it.

If you have kids you can spend quality time playing with them. Running after them or making them ride on your back will be great exercises for you. The kids will love you more for being a good parent and you will love them more for making you enjoy your exercise fully. At the end of the month you will feel like you're getting some answers to the question how can I loose weight.

2. Exercises that you would want to do for 30 to 60 minutes everyday

There are some other things you may not enjoy doing but could also help you in the area of physical exercising. You can start doing dome yard work, gardening, or early spring-cleaning at home. These activities will surely make you do some walking, climbing, or digging which will make you move some muscles. Without you noticing, time will have slipped by and you're still very much involved with the activity you chose to do.

If your spouse has always encouraged you to take up some dancing lessons, then maybe you should start taking the offer. You can just dance solo at home or grab your spouse for some feet tapping and waist twisting to the tune of your favorite CD.

3. Exercises that can make you sweat up a bit

Simple exercises that you can do even without the gym equipment could be useful to you. Wall pressing is one such activity that can help you put on some sweat after. Just stand up straight facing a wall. Stretch your arms in front of you at shoulder level. Bend your elbows and bring the tip of your nose to the wall and start to push back. Do this 8 times on the first week, 10 times on the second week, 12 times on the third week, and 14 times on the fifth week. On the last week, you will have stopped asking yourself on how can I lose weight.

These very simple but fun exercises can help you answer that initial question, "How can I lose weight?" Just do what you enjoy doing - as long as it means making some physical movements and not just sitting around watching time fly by.
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