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You Can Lose Weight Quick: 3 Tips for Quick Weight Loss

A few tips and tricks to keep you on your weight loss program for quick weight loss. Knowing what a serving really is and sticking with it can melt off the pounds.

Know what a serving really is. Portions these days have become gigantic. You might think that a serving of cooked pasta is a big bowl full similar to what you would be served in a restaurant, but look on the package of uncooked pasta. You'll be surprised to see that a serving is considered just an 8 ounce cupful of cooked pasta. And the serving of pasta sauce? Well that's just 1/4 cup or 2 ounces. A serving of chicken, or meat, is 4 ounces, that's a chicken thigh or drumstick. In the case of meat, a serving is about the size of a deck of playing cards. A serving of vegetables is 1/2 cup, a serving of fruit is 1/2 cup, or one whole fruit such as an apple. Of course with fruits and vegetables you can be very generous with the servings. And with meat, be stingy.

Take out your postage scales to check the servings of meat you serve so you'll develop a feeling for how much 4 ounces really is. An easy way to visualize 1/2 cup is what would fit in your cupped hand without overflowing. A cup is about the size of a clenched fit from the pad of the thumb upwards.

If you decrease the amount of food you eat by 200 calories a day you lose 24 pounds a year. 200 calories isn't really that much of a sacrifice. For example regular salad dressing has about 100 calories per tablespoon; a serving size is two tablespoons, so substituting nonfat salad dressing would save 200 calories. A 3.5 inch bagel with two tablespoons of cream cheese is about 400 calories. Eat half of the bagel instead of the whole one, and you've saved your 200 calories. A glass of whole milk is 150 calories, skim milk is 90, if you drink 3 glasses of milk a day you save 180 calories by switching to skim.

When you make these switches don't increase the portion size because you're eating low fat, you'll eliminate the benefits. Lose weight quick and painlessly.

Treat yourself to those indulgences that are important to you. For example: If you love the taste and feel of real cream in your coffee, it will be difficult for you to switch to skim milk. So have the cream and cut someplace else.
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