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How to Lose Weight in 3 Weeks and Keep It Off

Need to know how to lose weight in 3 weeks? Firstly, there are no quick fixes. Secondly, starving yourself will not work. Thirdly, you need to improve the way you eat and just exercise. Lastly, weight loss is never easy, it's hard work - and that's a fact. What you need to realize is, this is no fantasy island, just a willingness on your part to look after yourself and let time take care of itself. Below are 5 tips on how to lose weight in 3 weeks and keep it off-

1. Shop smart and cruise the perimeter. To avoid any temptations, the best thing to do is to shop within the fresh produce area. Fill your trolley in the fruit and vegetable section before visiting the packaged foods aisles (and if you can just avoid it to resist any temptation). And try to include organic or wholemeal products in your trolley.

2. A single pound of muscle requires three to five time more energy to sustain itself compared with a pound of fat. That means with more muscle, you'll burn more calories, even at rest. Plus the muscle just strengthens you up. So get into strength training to burn more calories.

3. 'Bad' foods can be good. The keys are portion size and cooking method. Juicy, tender cuts of steaks are fatty but are fine to eat if you trim the lard before cooking, or grill it so excess fat can drip away. As for an easy guideline on portions, always eat less steak than you would chicken and eat off 1 salad plate only (no more than one serve). Controlling your fat intake and portion size is a great combination to reduce the amount of your daily calories.

4. Use your lunch break wisely - spend half your lunch break walking. Taking a midday walk or a run can boost your energy, and reduce stress. Best yet, it gives you more time after work with family or friends.

5. Downsize your treats - make treats miniature, instead of giving them up altogether. Instead of trying to live without dessert, choose smaller portions - like 1 piece of an apple crumble baked pie or a small bar of chocolate. Get your sugar hit without dangerous left overs.

The 5 simple tips above are great ways to help you lose weight and help you stay focused towards your habits. Being consistent with your new found eating habits and lifestyle is the key to changing your body shape, improving your health and losing the weight for good.
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