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6 Tips on How to Lose Weight in 2 Week

It's no secret that America is overweight, but as a nation, we are becoming lazy when it comes to weight loss. To reverse the weight gain, it requires a consistent effort and lots of changes in one's choices with regards to diet. There is no quick fix solution to this as healthy weight loss can only be achieved over a period of time. Still a person can at least start making changes in a week and follow them through later on to lose weight.

1. If you really want to lose weight, you need snacks that are not only delicious and tasty but are also packed with nutrients and vitamins. As a teenager you need all the energy you can get from food and fruits and vegetables are among the best sources. Perfect examples are apples, oranges, bananas and apricots.

2. Include lots of fiber in your diet by eating foods such as apples, potatoes, strawberries, broccoli, brown rice and nuts. These fiber foods are very low in calories and keep the body full for a very long time, thus aiding in less food intake and weight loss. Another benefit of taking fiber rich diet is that fiber is not easily digested by our body. And when it does move out of the body as waste, it attaches itself to the fats and proteins and removes them as well.

3. It seems odd, but if you use a smaller plate, especially if you go to a buffet, your mind can actually be tricked into thinking that you're eating more. A cup of food on a salad plate looks much more filling than that same cup of food on a huge dinner plate. Also (this is just my own theory), if you use smaller plates, you work your serving off when you have to get up and go for seconds!

4. Don't Starve. One of the myths about crash dieting is that the less you eat, the more weight you will lose. Crash diets cause the body to burn excess glycogen, the material used for water storage, so again, the main cause of weight loss is from lack of water. These types of diets ignore proper nutrition, so vitamin and mineral deficiencies are a major risk. The strain this type of diet puts on the body is linked to liver damage, heart attack and stroke.

5. Breakfast is one of the most important meals, and this is even more important for teenagers that need the nutrients and minerals in order to supplement their growing bodies. Eating healthy in the morning will give you more energy to cope with your lessons and activities and will keep your stomach full until launch time.

6. Cardiovascular exercises are the best when it comes to losing fat from all over your body. So make a routine consisting of aerobics, swimming, or cycling and continue with it for quick weight loss. Although cardio exercises have to be combined with weight training to be truly effective, but for doing them you need to consult a professional trainer, who will design an exercise program for you, keeping your needs in mind.
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