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How To Lose Weight And Not Worry About Diets Or Exercise

It's not enjoyable to be overweight. I know from personal experience. The frustration that accompanies trying and failing to lose weight from dieting and exercise is incredible and eats at your confidence and happiness. However, as I've discovered from my own success at losing weight there are some simple things you can do to alter your perception of weight loss that will almost guarantee your success.

As I struggled with diets and exercise I had a remarkable realization that helped me to start losing weight (finally) and I've been able to easily keep it off since. What I realized was that weight loss isn't really a matter of kilograms or pounds, but calories. I learned that if I fueled my body with more calories than I burned off I would gain weight. If I could engineer the reverse then I would lose it. In effect, I stopped worrying about my weight and watched what I ate and became more active and the weight took care of itself.

Calories measure the energy our bodies take in from food and use up from activity. Eating excess calories means we gain weight. In fact, 150 extra calories a day will result in a weight gain of about 1 pound every three weeks. So, to lose weight you just have to cut down calories or increase activity. Eat one less cookie a day, for example, and do nothing more and you'll lose 17 pounds in the next 12 months.

On the other side of the equation, if you do a little more activity you'll achieve the same result. Playing ping pong or throwing a Frisbee in the park for 30-45 minutes will burn 150 calories. You don't need to exercise. Exercise is what athletes do to 'train' their bodies to perform effectively. Chances are the only exercise you will need to perform effectively is walking. So walk. A one hour stroll on the beach will burn 150 calories. And it's fun.

Losing weight doesn't have to be a frustrating and painful experience. You don't need fad diets and the willpower of a marathon runner to do it. It just takes a few minor changes and consistency over time to reap the benefits you're looking for. And the benefits are worth it. From someone who has lost over 30kg and kept it off I can tell you there aren't a lot of things in life better than being fit and healthy and happy with life again.
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