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How You Can Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Losing the weight you gained throughout your pregnancy is a top priority, add a post pregnancy workout to your arsenal to help lose this weight fast. You can find many of these exercise routines that are fun, exciting and best of all effective. With the following tips you'll be able to supercharge that workout in order to get you back down to pre-pregnancy weight before you know it.

Yoga: Yoga is great for stretching and toning your body so that you can get back in shape quickly. The best part about yoga is that it's slow and non-impact so you can actually get your workout in while your baby is napping. There are many videos online that can take you through a yoga workout, and there are even some Smartphone apps that can give you some great yoga moves to do. Once you have been practicing yoga for a while, you'll see that you are feeling strong and good and that your clothing has started to fit better. Arm Flutters: This is an awesome exercise that you can do right next to your baby's crib. Just lie down on your back and put your legs straight up into the air. Now, pick your torso slightly off the ground and lift your arms while keeping them straight. Lower yourself to the floor and repeat 20-50 times. This is fantastic for calorie burning and strengthening your core. That baby weight is sure to come off in record time as long as you do this exercise at least three times per week.

Strengthen abs and lose weight with the classic crunch. In case you don't know how to do a crunch properly, lie on the ground with your hands behind your head and your knees bent. Now inhale through the nose and exhale as you tighten your abs as you lift your head and shoulders off the floor. As you do this bring the ribs towards the hips and relax the bottom. Slowly return to the starting position. As you gain endurance you'll want to increase to 50 at some point. When you can do fifty, you may want to add a small weight to make it a little challenging, but be careful that you don't hurt yourself.

There you go! These are a few of the best ways to lose weight so that you can get back to your pre-baby size. Use these tips and you will see just how quickly you can get back to your old size.
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