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Christian Weight Loss Program and the Benefits of Bonding

Faith is a great motivator in all aspects of life, so why not use your faith to help you lose weight with a Christian weight loss program? By sharing not only your desire to lose weight but your faith as well, you can really create a strong bond with other members of the program. Bonding with others is the first step to open and honest relationships that can be a great motivator for helping you lose weight.

It goes without saying that before you start a weight loss program or diet, you should visit your personal physician to determine if you're healthy enough to commence any diet program. In some cases you may discover there is an underlying illness or disease, which is causing your weight gain. Once your doctor has given you a clean bill of health, then you can move forward into your diet program.

Exercise is an important and sometimes tough part of losing weight, so what to do if you just don't want to hit the gym? Walking to church, school, or work whenever the opportunity arises is a convenient way to get exercise without going far out of your way. Standing and walking around the room during or after church functions isn't necessarily exercise, but it sure burns more calories than sitting! If your church stands during hymns you should make sure to stand every time since the motion of standing and sitting is exercise, even if its only a little bit at a time.

When going to the gym is an option, finding a member of your church or another Christian, looking to lose weight, to have as a workout buddy can have a powerful positive effect. Trying to keep the pace with someone else can boost your motivation. Someone else to support and encourage you while doing your workout will help you meet your exercise goals.

Any Christian weight loss program requires a healthy diet. Make sure that the foods you eat have lots of proteins and vitamins, and have only a small amount of sugars and carbohydrates. Food that sounds bad usually is bad for you. Take devil's food cake - it's very high in calories and fat and deviled eggs can raise your cholesterol; if you eat too many. Unfortunately, angel's food cake is not a healthy food, but it does have lower calories and fat than most other cakes.

God rewards His followers who are true to him, and a reward system can be helpful to use to keep you true to yourself. When you stick to your diet and exercise, you should treat yourself to a little something. Once a week, partake in one of the little snacks that are put out after congregation.

Whenever you reach one of your weight loss goals go out and buy that smaller size pair of jeans you've been dreaming of fitting into. The important thing with rewards is to reward yourself just enough to keep you going, without indulging.

Most weight loss programs with a Christian theme are inexpensive and simple to use. These programs range from books that you can buy to online programs that offer spiritual guidance through the length of your weight loss journey. You should remember that God is there for you and those that share in Christ's love are ready to help you with your Christian weight loss program.
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