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Weight Loss Fast - Top Ten Tips

Trying to lose weight quick?

Here are the top 10 tips for weight loss quick.

Weight loss fast tip #1 - Absolutely no sodas!

If you drink soda you are going to have to get rid of it. Sodas have an average of 40 grams of sugar per 12 ounce can. 40 grams of sugar is all your body needs on a daily basis to survive. 40 grams of sugar can come from eating well balanced meals throughout the day

Weight loss fast tip #two - Drink plenty of water!

You ought to shoot for drinking eight - 8oz glasses per day. Drop the sodas and drink plenty of water and you will see the fat shrink away.

Weight loss fast tip #3 - Eat a four-five little meals on a daily basis instead of 3 larger meals.

Eating smaller meals allows your metabolism to completely burn off the food you eat and not turn into fat. . Your body can only burn so much off in a hours time before it turns to fat. Eating smaller meals will allow you to totally burn of the food intake before it turns to fat.

Weight loss fast tip #four - Carbs to protein ratio!

You want to have a higher carb to protein ratio earlier in the day, and a higher protein to carb ratio later in the day. I recommend slowing down the carb intake at noon.

Weight loss fast tip #five - No carbs after 7 pm!

Carbs turn into sugar. You want to allow your body sufficient amount of time to be able to burn of the sugar. If you eat carbs late at night and go to bed the carbs will turn into sugar and then into fat. You want to eat smal amount of carbs at night and allow your body time to burn it off. Just adhere to the rule... No carbs after 7pm.

Weight loss fast tip #six - Exercise!

Your body needs some form of exercise about one hour a day. Walking is a great way to shed of some fat. Plan a schedule to take your dog (if you have one) for a one hour walk a day. If you have a dog and your not exercising chances are he/she could shed of a few pounds also. Go to the gym, Take your kids to the park. Their are many things you can do. Shoot for at least one hour a day. Ladies I know you love to shop. Shopping is a great way to drop the pounds. I'm sure your husbands wouldn't want you shopping for 1 hour each day so mix it up.

Weight loss fast tip #7 - Eat a lot of fiber!

Fiber is great for filling you up but without all the calories. Not to mention its great for you. Eat more fiber than you are now!

Weight loss fast tip #eight - Eat a lot of leafy greens!

Eat plenty of dark leafy greens for lunch and dinner. Dark Leafy greens have the most nutrients and vitamins of all the vegetables. Make sure to add lots of leafy greens to the diet.

Weight loss fast tip #9 - Stay away from whites!

Name every food that's white and probabilities are you mustn't be eating it: crackers,bread,pastas, most cereals, flour based products, white rice,white potatoes, and pasteurized dairy and cheese are all no-no's throughout this time. (Healthy foods like cauliflower, chicken, turkey, fish, white pork are all exceptions to the present rule).

Weight loss quick tip #10 - Don't eat wheat!

Do not eat something with the word wheat in the ingredients list. Some ask what about whole wheat? Listen, if the word starts with W and ends with a T and has the h e a in the middle, stay away from it. This includes pastas,breads, crackers and cereal. Several snack foods contain wheat so double check the ingredients list carefully.
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