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Tips On How To Get Over Sleep Apnea

TIP! If you want real assistance with sleep apnea at night, talk to a physician about the optimal CPAP machine for you. Size and noise are both things to factor into your decision.

Many people don’t get diagnosed with the sleep apnea that they have and they wind up suffering through their sleep. When a person has sleep apnea, their airway closes up while they are sleeping and they cannot breathe well. Although this sleep disorder can be fatal, many treatments are available to decrease the symptoms of sleep apnea.

TIP! Your phsyician can help you get a mouth piece to help with your sleep apnea. Your symptoms could very well be exacerbated by congenital conditions like a small jaw, an over- or under-bite, or a naturally constricted airway.

Try getting rid of bad habits to better your sleep apnea. Alcohol and cigarettes are two of the primary culprits. Your respiratory system will not be happy with you if you drink all the time. Smoking can cause swelling in the throat, which also restricts the airway during sleep. Doing away with both of these bad habits will help do away with your sleep apnea symptoms.

TIP! Instead of sleeping on your back, sleep on your side, which can help to avoid the symptoms of sleep apnea getting in the way of a peaceful night’s sleep. When sleeping on the back, throat and tongue muscles are more likely to block your airway.

You can really cut back on your sleep apnea by giving up alcohol and smoking. Sleep apnea and chronic snoring are each caused by over-relaxation of the airway muscles, and both smoking and drinking can cause this. While quitting these habits may not stop your sleep apnea episodes entirely, you will be healthier overall and save money at the same time.

Sleep Apnea

TIP! If you’re dealing with sleep apnea, it’s important to set a regular sleep schedule for yourself. Random sleep times affects your sleep as it is and this is compounded when you have sleep apnea.

Your phsyician can help you get a mouth piece to help with your sleep apnea. You may have a naturally narrow breathing passage, small jaw or recessed chin that can amplify the effects of sleep apnea. With a specialty device, you can change your sleeping position and align your jaw so that you are able to sleep.

TIP! Treat any sinus or allergy problems you might have if you do have sleep apnea. It will help you breath better in general, especially during your sleep.

Lose some weight if you’re heavy. Several studies have shown that there is a link between obesity and sleep apnea. Alternatively, if you shed twenty five pounds you can see a tremendous improvement in the symptoms of sleep apnea, especially if you are dealing with obesity.

TIP! Weight loss is an effective tactic in combating sleep apnea in many cases. Symptoms of sleep apnea are completely resolved by many once they drop a few pounds.

After reading this article, you should now know what sleep apnea is and how it affects people’s lives. You must talk to a doctor for more information, whether you just want to learn more or you think you have it.

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