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Tips On Treating Your Sleep Apnea Condition

TIP! Drop your bad habits to relieve your sleep apnea. In particular, alcohol and cigarettes are bad for you.

Sleep apnea can drain one’s quality of life by devastating their quality of sleep. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to cope with your sleep apnea and sleep better. Your first step is to read the advice presented here.

TIP! Get a custom mouth guard. These guards are designed for patients with sleep apnea.

If a person is severely overweight, they are much more likely to develop sleep apnea. In these cases, simply losing the extra weight can alleviate the symptoms. Following a reasonable weight loss plan and exercising is essential. Restricting carbohydrates has shown to be a big help in losing weight.

TIP! Do not take sleeping pills if you have sleep apnea. Sleeping pills relax throat muscles to the degree that they no longer properly function.

Do you smoke or sometimes drink? Take steps to eliminate these unhealthy habits. These substances influence your airways. When you smoke you can harm your lungs, and it can be hard for you to breathe at night. Alcohol has a similarly negative effect. If losing these habits is not possible, then at least limit yourself before going to bed.

Sleep Apnea

TIP! If you wear a CPAP for your sleep apnea symptoms, but are still bothered by your mouth opening when you try to sleep, get a chin strap. This minor fabric piece and make sure that your chin stays up and your mouth closed.

It is important to stay away from alcohol if you have sleep apnea because it can help you see some improvement with the condition. Both of these habits are known to make your airway’s muscles relax. This will increase your snoring as well as other symptoms of sleep apnea. Giving up these habits can save you a lot of money as compared to expensive surgical procedures that might be needed later if you continue.

TIP! If you suffer from sleep apnea and you use a CPAP, carry your medical ID. If you are in need of medical attention, it is important that the people helping you realize you have sleep apnea and use CPAP therapy.

Talk to your physician about the possibility of a mouth piece to correct your sleep. There may be genetic reasons you suffer from sleep apnea. Your airway may be naturally thin or your jaw may interfere with breathing during sleep. You will get better rest if you use specialty devices to position yourself and align your jaw properly while sleeping.

TIP! Always have your CPAP machine with you while you sleep, even if it happens to be during a hospital stay. Be it an intended or emergency room stay, you must always have access to your CPAP and the mask when you suffer from sleep apnea.

Life is hard enough without having to deal with sleep deprivation. We hope that this article has given you excellent sleep apnea tips you can utilize so that you can hopefully sleep really well tonight and for the rest of your life.

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