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South Beach Diet Menus

When you want to get the most variety from your South Beach diet menus, you will have to pick up a book. There are menus in the basic diet book and there is also a cookbook you can purchase. There aren't a lot of recipes listed on the main website. However, you can find plenty of recipes that aren't specifically designed by the South Beach diet, but fit the guidelines perfectly.

You can, however, find a few sample South Beach diet menus on the main website. For those who are curious about what kinds of foods and meals it contains, you can see sample menus for each phase of the diet. Although phase one consists of practically zero carbs, you can see that the menu is quite tasty. For two weeks, anyone can do this. It just takes a desire to lose weight and to get healthy, along with a little discipline.

The South Beach diet menus are designed to take those sometimes-debilitating cravings away. I know that right now it may feel like you couldn't even go three hours without putting something sweet in your mouth, but you will find that is not the case. You have to trust that it works. If you do the diet and you sprinkle phase one with a donut here or a cookie there, you have no right to complain that your cravings didn't go away, you have to stick strictly with the program.

South Beach Diet Menus and Cravings

Cravings are caused by sugar and other bad carbs. If you remove them, or greatly limit them, from your daily intake, your cravings will do the same. Luckily, you don't have to figure out how to do this on your own. The South Beach diet was made just for you.

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