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Low Calorie Foods

There are many low calorie foods that are packed with the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function properly. Healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables contain few calories, yet they are jam-packed with vitamins and antioxidants that help the cells in the body fight off illness and infection. In addition, these foods are often high in fiber, which we need to in order to stay regular and fight off colon cancer.

However, not all low calorie foods are created equal. You can buy prepackaged foods, such as frozen dinners, that are low in calories and fat, but high in sodium and preservatives. This is neither good for you nor is it an inexpensive way to diet. These diet foods are often costly, and can cost as much as $5.00 or more for just one frozen dinner.

Nutritious Low Calorie Foods

If you are worried about calories, than the best option for you is to choose natural foods that are high in vitamins and minerals, and low in calories and fat. As we mentioned before, whole grain cereals and breads, fruits, and vegetables are all great low calorie foods that can fill you up without packing on the pounds. It's also important to include good sources of protein in your diet, because your muscles need protein to grow and remain strong.

Good sources of protein include fish, turkey, chicken, lean red meats, nuts, and even beans. When you combine these protein foods with fresh vegetables and fruits, you will feel energized and ready to tackle the day. You will also be able to keep up with your exercise regime because you are providing your body with the calories and nutrients it needs to function.

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