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Which Low Carbohydrate Diet Is Best For You?

We've heard that diet plans don't work the same way for everyone, even if they collectively claim that they can reduce the amount of "bad" carbohydrates in our bodies. But if that's the case, how are we supposed to know which low carbhoydrate diet plans would work best for us as individuals? The answer lies in careful study. Look into the requirements and benefits of each diet plan, and based on what you've learned, decide on the plan that would give you the best returns, in terms of time, money and effort.

Here are three of the more popular low carbohydrate diet regimes. Check them out and see how each one relates to your lifestyle and routines:

1. The Atkins Diet - This is currently the most popular patented diet plan in the market. The creator of this plan, Dr. Robert C. Atkins, is known as "The Father of Modern Low Carb Diets." This diet promotes cutting back on carbohydrate intake, but stresses that different people have different nutritional needs, and therefore the diet plan must vary from person to person. The Atkins books contain information on a "carb ladder," which details the amount of carbohydrates a person may introduce into the body, based on one's glycemic load. The books also advocate balancing Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty acids. All this means you need to pay close attention to the amount of food you eat when you're on this diet.

2. The South Beach Diet - This diet scheme, recently patented by Dr. Arthur Agatston, is thought of as a modified Atkins diet, with a few significant changes: while both Atkins and South Beach promote the elimination of "bad carbs," the South Beach diet actively discourages eating the dark meat or butter of poultry, as they are fraught with saturated fat that produces "bad carbs." Atkins poses no such restriction.

4. The "Caveman" Diet - This low carbohydrate diet advocates a return to our ancestral roots, in a liberal sense; it simply promotes the elimination of artificial processed foods from regular meals. In this diet you can eat pretty much anything except foods that contain sugar, salts, and seasoning. Most dairy products are not allowed either, as they are often found in processed form in this modern age. Meat, eggs, fish, fruit, most vegetables, and nuts are okay. This may seem somewhat permissive, but it is still a rather tough call if you live in a country like the United States, where it isn't easy adhering to an all-natural organic diet scheme.

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