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The Secret To Low Carbohydrate Diets

My mom and I have been arguing how low carb diets work for years. She insists that the only way to lose weight is to expend more calories than you eat. I tell her that she has to consider that insulin regulates the way your body stores and uses fats and sugars. So, if you know how your body works, you can use that to your advantage to lose a few pounds.

Here's How Low Carb Diets Work:

1. You stop eating carbohydrates - i.e. bread, rice, pasta, high-starch veggies, sugar, fructose, honey, fruit, ketchup, salad dressing, gum & baked beans. Instead, you eat low-starch veggies, plus protein and fat - things like lettuce, peppers, turkey, eggs, cheese, olive oil, chicken, fish, seafood, beef & pork. This depletes your body of sugar in about 48 hours.

2. The fewer carbs you eat, the less insulin you make. Note: Insulin is made when your blood glucose levels rise. It controls sugar levels in your blood stream (otherwise you have a build-up of sugar in your blood, i.e. diabetes). Insulin also acts as a hormone to condition your body to store carbs as fat in case of starvation and it tells the cells not to release stored fat.

3. When you're not producing Insulin, you go into a state of "ketosis". Ketosis is when your body primarily uses fat as fuel since there is no fast-burning fuel (glucose) available. If you're not burning sugar, you start burning fat and thereby lose weight. If you're always eating candy, white bread, potatoes & pasta, plus the fat, your body continues to burn only the carbs and holds on to the fat. That makes you fat.

Talk to your doc before starting any diet plan. I have, and as directed I only significantly reduce my carbs for short periods of time, then re-introduce high complex carbs a little at a time (whole grains, quinoa, brown rice, sweet potatoes), always trying to avoid white rice, white breads, potatoes and refined sugars (especially high fructose corn syrup).

Go ahead and splurge on that wedge salad with blue cheese, a grilled steak with sauteed mushrooms, creamed spinach and grilled asparagus once in a while. Enjoy every bite. It's all low-carb or no carb. If you've burned off the sugars from previous meals your body will burn the fat as energy. Yeah!

BUT, if you add a roll or two, or some potatoes, a glass of wine or dessert, your body will convert the carbs to glucose, release insulin, use the glucose as energy and store the fat. You will have consumed a gazillion calories that will stick to you like glue. That's the danger of going off and on the carb wagon without knowing what you're doing.

Other things that help the release of fat is drinking plenty of water and upping the cardio.

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