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Is The Low Carb Diet Right For You?

The rate of obesity in humans is increasing each year and it looks like the situation will not improve anytime soon. Even though there are so many different diets out there; none of them will work for every person.

There is a highly effective diet available that has seen successful results over a large amount of people. It's called the low carb diet and is one of the more simple diets to take part in.

The word "carb" in low carb diet refers to carbohydrates. When losing weight it's important to keep the amount of carbohydrates you're eating to a minimum. It's important to understand why exactly an excessive amount of carbohydrates will increase your weight, before we further discuss the rationale of this diet.

Carbohydrates, whether they come from pasta, bread or a couple of donuts turn into glucose. Glucose is primarily used for energy and some is also stored in our muscles. Your body can only store about 2,000 calories of glucose and the rest as you might have guessed is turned into fat.

Essentially how the diet works is by restricting the amount of carbohydrates you consume. By doing this, your body has no choice but to use your fat as energy, thus you lose weight.

You may be discouraged in trying another diet however you should give the low carb diet a try, as it's very simple and the results can be great. Most of the diet requires you to just count carbs and read food labels, so it's something even you will be able to do.

The diet can be so effective that a lot of people will find themselves losing 3 to 4 pounds in the first week.

This all sounds great doesn't it? However we need to determine whether the this particular diet is right for you. Before making the commitment you should consult with your doctor first. However the following is a general outline to whether or not you have a carbohydrate problem that needs rectifying:

You're overweight but you don't eat that much food
You experience sweet cravings
You eat when you're bored or emotional
You lose some weight but put it back on shortly after
You feel hungry after shortly after eating a normal sized meal

If any of the above applies to you and you're overweight, you may have a carbohydrate addiction problem. The low carb diet would be ideal in your case and is something you should consider.

There are a few things to consider though when going on this regimin. There are potential short term side effects that you may experience, they're

Bad breath

Unfortunately not everybody will be able to go on the low carb diet due to potential health hazards, they're:

Pregnant Women
If you have kidney problems
Alcoholics and Caffeine Addicts

If you consume alcohol and caffeine you can go on the low carb diet, however they may halt the dieting process.

If you're looking for another diet to try and one that will give you results which is easy to take part in, definitely give the low carb diet a go. Even children can take part in the diet, but as always first consult with your doctor.

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